Four Key Points on Optimizing the Performance of Your Multilingual WordPress Website
A multilingual WordPress website can be created within a very short time using the right plugin. It is one thing to make sure the contents on your website are available in different languages and it is another thing to optimize the website’s performance since you will be expecting much traffic on the website as a result the multilingual access.
When we talk about website optimization, it means making sure your website appears natural, easy to use and simple to the users or visitors of your website. Fixing specific multilingual website related issues at heart will help you to take actions on certain elements. Such actions as reducing the website loading times, helping visitors get directed to the right page without any further delay, and maintaining uptime that is reliable.
That is the reason this article will be focusing on website optimization. And to be more specific about what is to be discussed, we will be placing our focus on four (4) important ways in which you can improve or better enhance the performance of your multilingual WordPress website. Now let us dive in to each of the points.
1. Make use of a lightweight WordPress Translation Plugin
It is an understatement to say that translation task involves little work because there is a lot of work done to put translation work in the right place. If you will have to manually translate your WordPress website, you won’t stop at just the translation as you will need to ensure that subdirectories and/or domains are created for each of the languages that your website is being translated into. And in each of these subdirectories or subdomains, you will have to start over the creating of your whole website and then convert the contents into the language of the targeted audience.
The duration of the entire translation process depends on how wide your website is and how versatile you are during the process. In fact, manually translations and take lots of hours, days, months, and even years. And if you decide to employ professional human translators, you should be preparing to spend a huge amount of money.
However, these troubles can be avoided if you use WordPress translation plugins. With the help of ConveyThis, you can get your WordPress website connected to the platform using the official plugin. From there, you can choose the preferred languages you want your website to be translated into. This is how ConveyThis works.
A major advantage of ConveyThis is that your translations can be well manage using its own platform. It offers the translations for your website with almost immediate effect and relieves you of the suppose loads of work that would have come with it if it were to be manually handled. That is why the plugin is referred to as light weighted plugin.
Although it is true that ConveyThis uses machine translation as the foundation of any translation project, yet from your dashboard you can order or ask for the services of translators that are professionals to help you with your translation project. And also, should there be any reason for you to adjust your translation, you have the privilege to manually edit it on your website at any time.
After several researches and comparisons we can come to the right conclusion that ConveyThis plugin is the right solution for you to ensure that your WordPress website becomes multilingual. This plugin is not just a top quality product and cost effective but it is the best when it comes to optimizing and maintaining your WordPress websites.
2. Ensure visitors are redirected to the right language
Many multilingual language websites fail to recognize that some of the visitors of their websites have difficulty choosing their language and even some of the visitors did not know that it is even possible to read your website content in their language. This is a possible situation that can also come up when you use ConveyThis as your plugin even with the fact that it puts up a language switcher on your website pages.
However, to make it easier for visitors to quickly notice the language switcher button for your website, try to adjust the language switcher’s display with the custom CSS and/or use the various preset settings to make it not only attractive but prominent.
Another way to ensure that your website visitors can have the website available in their own language is by using what is known as automatic redirection. That is the ability of your website to sense or detect the language of your website visitors from the language the visitors are browsing with. However, nothing will be automatically redirected if you are yet to translate your website into the language of choice. But if there is a version of the website in that language, then it will automatically redirect the visitors to the language.
ConveyThis makes sure that you have access to the feature of automatic redirection. This wonderful feature can panoramically enhance the performance of your multilingual website.
The idea of automatic redirection will improve your website engagement because your visitors will be willing to interact with your website because of the fact that it is in their choice language. And what is the result of this? This will result in decrease in bounce rate of your website. With availability of the language switcher, visitors are more likely to stay on your website and enjoy the contents of your website in their language with little or no delay.
3. Get your WooCommerce products translated
Addition of new languages on a WooCommerce website is not a simple task as with translating WordPress project. Running a WooCommerce website means that you will be having several product pages that needs to be translated apart from the several other posts and pages.
To add to that, the international marketing strategy of your WooCommerce website need to be taken into consideration. There is need for vast research and extensive planning when it comes to multilingual Search Engine Optimization.
It is true that there are many translation plugins that can help you with your website translation because they are compatible with WooCommerce. They can be of help in translating the pages of your website into new languages that you want but their inability to handle massive library of content and poorly done optimization can be detrimental to the performance of your website.
Well, with ConveyThis you need not worry. It is a perfect platform for translation project of WooCommerce and any other e-commerce platforms e.g. BigCommerce. Like in the case of translating a WordPress website that is done with almost immediate effect, translation of WooCommerce pages takes almost the same process and your multilingual website will start working as soon as possible.
Interestingly, you will like to know that with ConveyThis website optimization your website that has been translated would likely load faster like the original website. This is also dependent on the web host that you use for your website. Using a web host that cares about loading of website pages faster will definitely make your websites pages load faster even when it has been translated into a new language.
4. Select WordPress hosting provider that is performance optimized
When you create a multilingual website, you are building a platform that will attract audience who will be visiting from around the world. As a way of enhancing your website visitor’s experience, it will be best to choose web host that are concerned and interested in top-grade performance and offers many servers location.
It will be ideal to employ the service of Webhost Company that have physical locations closer to the targeted audience minding the fact that the more you add new language to your website, the greater the traffic that will be generated on the site. This will want to have impact on your website performance especially on that specific server.
A trustworthy, powerful and resilient web host will be able to accommodate this increased traffic and will thereby disallow abnormal performance that would have arisen from the increased traffic. A typical example of a top rated web hosting provider for WordPress is the WP Engine. It takes over nearly every basic things such as maintenance and optimization of WordPress website.
If you will like to gain the attention of international audience and will want to sustain it, it is paramount that you make sure your multilingual website’s performance is optimized. It is true that it is not easy to create large website and keep it running. However, you are not left without help. ConveyThis blog contains up-to-date information that you can explore to find needed advice.
In this article we have been able to maintain focus on website optimization. And we have discussed extensively discussed four (4) important ways in which you can improve or better enhance the performance of your multilingual WordPress website. That is, by making use of lightweight WordPress translation plugin such as ConveyThis, ensuring that website visitors are redirected to the right language, getting your WooCommerce products translated, and selecting or choosing a web host service provider that is performance optimized.
Translation, far more than just knowing languages, is a complex process.
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
Try ConveyThis free for 7 days!