When you heard of automated translation, what comes to your mind? If your answer is Google translation and its integration with web browser as chrome, then you are far from it. Google translation is actually not the first automated translation. According to Wikipedia, “the Georgetown experiment, which involved successful fully automatic translation of more than sixty Russian sentences into English in 1954, was one of the earliest recorded projects.”
In recent years, virtually, anywhere you find yourself you will discover that there are elements of automated translation. For example, some of the popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as more and more internet browsers are now allowing users to explore internet contents in various languages.
This avenue offers us the needed help when situations calls for it. For instance, do you need directions in a foreign land while on vacation, especially in an area that you are not quite familiar with? You will definitely need a translation machine (i.e. app) that can help you with it. Another example is that of a person whose mother tongue is English and plans to study in China. Even if he is not interested in learning Chinese all through, he will at some point finds himself begging for an assistance from translation machine.
Now, the main intriguing part is knowing if we are having the right information about automated translation. The truth remains that automated translation is seeing immense increase in its use and it is a plus in handling huge website translation projects.
Here at ConveyThis, it is very obvious that we employ machine translation, otherwise known as automated translation. This is to give users of our platform edge above others as regards the translation on their websites. However, our recommendation when it comes to translation is not limited to that.
Bearing that in mind, lets us discuss and expose some of the myths or lies associated with automated translation. We will also discuss how automated translation can play a vital role in the localization of your website.
To start with, we will address what it means to use automatic translation on your website.
Use of Automatic Translation for Your Website
Automatic translation does not mean that there is an automatic copying of your contents and pasting the contents into an automated translation machine after which you then copy and paste the translated version into your website. It never works that way. Another similar method of automatic translation is when users use Google Translate free widget that gives your website an impression of been available in multiple languages. This is possible since it has a kind of language switcher for your frontend and visitors will have access to a translated page.
There is a limitation for these methods because it may output poor results for some language pair while working well for only a few ones. And this shows that you have handed over all translation tasks to Google. The results are not editable since it is done automatically by google without the modification choice.
When It Is Perfect To Use Automated Translation
It is sometimes enormous and tiring when you are saddled with the responsibility of translating your website into many languages. For example, when you think of localization of your contents you may want to pause for a while and have a rethink on how you will handle such project with staggering numbers of word count. What about the idea of maintaining constant communication and contacts that will come up time to time between translators and other members of your organization including providing files in excel formats? That is a whole lot of strenuous process! All of these is why you need an automated translation for your website. It offers you a time saving and easy way of handling your website translation.
Here, when we talk about translation solution, we are strictly referring to ConveyThis. ConveyThis will not only detects contents of your websites and translate it but it also offer this unique option; the ability of you to review what is been translated. However, there are times when you can let translated contents be without altering what has been translated because you are okay with the work done.
To get this clearer, you will likely accept the translation work done by automated translation if you have numerous products pages on your ecommerce store for your website because the translated phrases and statement will be near perfect since it will be rendered word for word. Translating the header and page titles, footer, and the navigation bar can as well be accepted without review. You can only become more concerned when you want the translation to capture your brand and present it in a way that accurately represents what you offers. It is only then that you will likely want to introduce the human translation system by reviewing what has been translated.
What Makes Conveythis Fairly Different?
We offer automated translation services that helps you to get your website translated with almost immediate effect on the single page without replicating the pages. What makes us different from other machine translation platform is that we can help you actualize the localization of your website by offering you options and possibilities of modifying the translated content.
After integrating ConveyThis on your website, each word, whatever picture or graphics, site metadata, animated contents, etc., returns an automatically translated first layer. We provide this service by using automated translation from the start of your website translation plan and employ the services of verified and accurate automated language translation providers to give you the best. At that point, you will be granted access to the quality of your translation. There are three forms of translation qualities you can choose from. While we will not make a choice for you, we will only clarify how each of these translation form works and get facilitated using ConveyThis. The three solution forms available are the automatic, manual and professional translation.
You don’t need to produce or avail us the content of your website. All you need to do is install ConveyThis on your website and you will be surprise at how fascinating it works out. On installing ConveyThis, what you should only give a thought to is how your translation workflow will be organised.
With that, the difficult aspect of the job is already handled including every parts of the website detected i.e. the many numbers of words, phrases and sentences of your website are already translated via a first level of automatic translation layer that not only looks inviting but also saves you more time that would have been invested in handling the translation manually. This opportunity also saves you from the problem of error originating from human translators.
How Does Your Automatic Translation Works On Conveythis?
By default, we offer automatic translation. However, the decision to use it or switch off the automatic translation if you don’t want to use it is left to you. If you don’t want to use this automatic translation:
- Go to your ConveyThis dashboard
- Click Translation tab
- Select which language pair you want to stop automatic translation under the option tab
- Select the button that off the Display automatic translation
- The make public option may be switched off too to ensure that you are only ready to launch the translation of your website into many languages only when you are fully ready.
Doing this means none of the translated content will be displayed on your website. If you want to make an edit manually, it is visible in your translation list. Hence, your manually edited translation will be displayed on your website.
Use of Human Translators
To fine-tune your translation, you may want to employ the services of human translators. Remember that you can leave your website at the automatic translation but for further refinement you can manually start editing the translated content. If you are thinking of manual editing by someone else other than you, you can add this translator. Just:
- Go to settings tab of your dashboard
- Then click on the Team tab.
- Select Add member.
Choose the suitable role for the person you are adding. If you choose Translator, the person will be granted access to list of translations and can edit on the visual editor while Manager can alter everything related to your translation.
Use of Professional Translators
You may not be satisfied with editing your translation within your team especially, when there is no native speaker of the target language available in your team.
When situation like this occurs, ConveyThis is at your rescue. We give you the choice of placing an order for a professional translation. You can do this on your dashboard and within two days or so, a professional translator will be added to your dashboard to help with your project.
Start the Workflow of Your Translation with Conveythis So far so good, you have been able to learn that with ConveyThis, you are in full control of your automatic translation. From the first layer we offer you, you can make your decisions on how you want your workflow to be. You may choose to leave your website at the automatic translations or give it some medication through members of your team or perhaps, place an order for a professional translator, all on your ConveyThis dashboard. With these benefits, you should be convinced that ConveyThis is the perfect choice for your website localization and your brand. Now is the time to start using it!
Four (4) Major Tips For Translation Collaboration - ConveyThis
November 3, 2020[…] past articles, we have discussed the concept of enhancing the standard of automated translation. It was mentioned in the article that individuals or companies are left with the decision of […]