Use Best Website Translation
ConveyThis is the most powerful website translation app that exists in 2021. It is incredibly fast, affordable, customizable and 100% reliable.
Reason #1 – Ubiquitous
ConveyThis supports hundreds of integrations with any sort of popular CMS such as WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Wix or Webflow, as well as more obscure platforms. We have standalone and regularly updated plugins in the following networks:
And hundreds more integrations available at our page: ConveyThis truly can work with any sort of website whenever you can install JavaScript!
Reason #2 – Easy Setup
Since ConveyThis is powered by automatic translations, the process of implementing and translating your website takes only a few minutes. Compare that to an old way of translating websites with manual file exchanges, quotations, approvals and updates. It is lightning fast.
Reason #3 – Edit Translations
Updating translations with ConveyThis is a breeze. You have a choice of two editors: visual and text editor. Each of them is capable of doing things differently and complementing each other. Visual editor allows to translate/change any visual element on a page, while text editor gives you a chance to correct HEAD META tags such as TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS and ALT IMAGES.
Reason #4 – 100% SEO Friendly
Attracting organic visitors is a goal of every website. With costs of auction based advertising soaring, it makes sense to expand your website into new languages and watch how quickly your traffic growth.
ConveyThis allows to setup your own sub-domains on all paid plans. Update your sitemaps and setup HREFLANG tags for easier content discovery.
Reason #5 – Better page experience
It is 10 times better to serve a website to your target user in their own language. ConveyThis allows to setup the automatic language redirection for those users who speak different languages. When visiting translated pages by ConveyThis, a user is served with the translated page and that improves behavioral factors such as average time visit and conversions.
Reason #6 – Support of Righ-to-Left languages
You may not speak Arabic, or Hebrew, but a lot of people do. And our technology allows to display translated pages in the correct order so your visitors will be able to better understand the page flow. Some translation tools are not good enough. They change the order, but don’t mirror flip the layout. Our plugin handles that well.
Reason #7 – Replace images and PDF files
When you convert your webpages into foreign languages, they may contain images and PDF downlodable files that may have hard coded language. With ConveyThis, you can replace such images by telling our website the new upload path. This further increases use experience and edges closer to website localization.
Reason #8 – More affordable than competition
ConveyThis up to 50-75% more affordable that its closest competition.
We chose to keep our company small and lean. We don’t need huge teams to create a bloated crappy product. We keep it efficient and accurate.
Reason #9 – Stability
ConveyThis is web-proxy based product. That means lots of heavy load occurs not on your website, but on ours. And to handle that, ConveyThis uses the database clustering technology that powers web giants such as Expedia, Slack, HubSpot and even Youtube! Just imagine, ConveyThis uses something as efficient as does Youtube!
Reason #10 – Human translation module
Automatic translation are fast and sometimes are even accurate. But there is always a room for improvement. ConveyThis allows for seamless integration with professional linguists that are eager to proofread and correct all errors on your website. All that conveniently packages on the string checkout page and once you complete additional payments, the work begins.
These are the main 10 reasons why we think ConveyThis is superior to any other website translation technology available in 2021. It is the best blend of features and price that you can even find.
Still have question? Contact our support team or sign up for a free 7 day trial!
January 18, 2023Hey does it support good translation with Quebec French as I have a client that needs that.