スタートアップ企業が多言語ウェブサイトを必要とする理由 ConveyThis
From what we are seeing around us today, it is evident that markets and businesses that are available in other languages other than English have overtime come to realize the importance of ensuring that their products or web content is made available in market locations that are English language dominated. As of the 4th of October, 2020, w3techs estimated that 60.1% of the internet or web contents are in English languages whereas there are only some 25.9% of users of the internet that are English-speaking. This is to say that over 75% of the users of internet are not being properly taken care of when it comes to their language option. What a great opportunity for you to take an advantage of! Is there anything delaying you to take an advantage of this?
これらの統計は今日私たちの周囲で目にすることができるものですが、調査結果について明らかなことが 1 つあります。多言語戦略は、競争上の戦略から、企業が成長するために最も重要で非常に必要な戦略へと移行しつつあります。これは、グローバル化のプロセスがペースが速いだけでなく、さらに加速しているためです。それが、早めにすぐに始めるべき理由です。
コストの値を使用して比較する場合、このような非常に低い投資計画を使用して、ターゲットとするオーディエンスとより見込みのある消費者の大幅な幾何学的増加を一晩で達成する新興企業にとって他の選択肢はないことは間違いありません。 。
上記のチャットは、2008年12月から2020年3月までの中国におけるウェブまたはインターネットのユーザーの普及率をまとめた統計調査レポートのグラフです。レポートから、中国のインターネットのユーザー数は約904人に増加しています。 2008年12月に推定された8億2900万人のユーザーをはるかに上回っています。想像してみてください。2020年3月の時点で、中国だけで9億400万人のユーザーがいます。今、あなたの製品とサービスを中国語で提供することを考えてください。中国の検索エンジンで検索が行われたときに表示されるブランドを視覚化します。多くのユーザーが記事を読んだり製品について知ったりするために殺到する中国語で利用可能なブログの1つで、あなたのブランドが非常に細かいレビューをした場合の結果を想像してみてください。それは間違いなくあなたのビジネスにとってブームになるでしょう。そのため、ウェブサイトを中国語だけでなく、世界中のさまざまな言語に翻訳する必要があります。あなたのウェブサイトを翻訳することは簡単ではありませんが、それでも可能であり、あなたがグローバルに行き、あなたのブランドをより高いレベルに引き上げたいのであれば、コミットする価値があります。
Right from the first line in this article, we have talked about start-ups. Is that to say that multilingual strategy is limited to star-ups alone? No is the answer. All businesses online and websites is encouraged to key in to the multilingual strategy. However, for start-ups it is a vital need. Reason is that start-ups are often short of finances and they have a meaningful numbers of other brands competing against them. It is easy to quickly pack out of the market if not careful and that is why starting a new market and trying to get across to customers from different base goes a long way to tell who will remain in the market.
At this point some may be a little bit curious wondering and asking thought provoking question such as “if multilingual strategy is that profitable, why then is everybody not doing it?” Well, it is good to think about this question and that shows your level of interest in multilingual strategy. Number one thing you need to know is that many people today will not try something new unless it is mandatory, probably becomes a necessity or it is a requirement. Many of them are pretty comfortable with the present numbers of customers, and even get obsessed with the information the already have and refuses to widen their horizon, and they keep spending expecting results. One prominent example of this is the mobile technology. Many laughed at the idea and choose not to go mobile at the onset as they wondered who will ever come patronizing brands and purchasing goods and services on the tiny screens of mobile phones. However, today the popular saying “the one who laughs last, last the best” becomes true because business owners and innovators who were very smart quickly go into mobile at the early days of it and today, they have benefited maximally for doing such. Same is what is happening today as many are yet to decide to venture into multilingual translation and some are even still getting hooked down at the stage of getting a responsive websites for their products. The number two thing is that many assumed that website translation is a very difficult thing to do. They thought that it takes too much time and it is too expensive. Well, it is true that translation can be time consuming and could be very expensive in the past, but nowadays there are efficient and very effective way to translate a website without undue financial stresses. There are many of them that are readily available if you make a simple search for them.
Start today! Start your multilingual strategy because the future are multilingual websites. Contact our support team at ConveyThis.com
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
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