DeepL と Google 翻訳: 機械翻訳サービスの比較

5 分でウェブサイトを多言語化



ニューラル機械翻訳は、バイリンガル テキストの膨大なデータセット上で多層ニューラル ネットワークをトレーニングすることによって機能します。膨大な数のプロによる人間による翻訳を分析することで、機械学習モデルはパターンを推定し、ルールを把握し、言語のニュアンスを理解し、任意の言語ペア間でテキストを翻訳する最適な方法を決定できます。

最先端のニューラル ネットワークを活用した 2 つの主要なサービスは、Google 翻訳と DeepL です。 Google 翻訳は、Google 独自のニューラル エンジンを利用して、テキストを 100 以上の言語に驚くべき精度で翻訳します。 DeepL は、競争上の利点として高精度な翻訳に重点を置いています。国連などの機関が提供する二か国語テキストの巨大なデータベース上で高度に最適化されたニューラル ネットワークをトレーニングし、DeepL が微妙なニュアンスも正確に処理できるようにします。

機械学習アルゴリズムの絶え間ない進歩とトレーニング データの増加により、自動翻訳機能は急速に向上し続けています。ニューラル ネットワークにより、企業は高品質を維持しながら、コスト効率よくコンテンツを大規模に翻訳できるようになりました。これにより、オンラインでのプレゼンスをローカライズすることで、組織がグローバル市場に参入する新たな機会が開かれます。

DeepL と Google 翻訳の主な違い

At a high level, while Google Translate offers wider language support and greater public visibility, DeepL stakes its reputation on delivering greater overall translation accuracy and quality. Independent third-party evaluations have found DeepL to significantly outperform Google Translate in head-to-head tests evaluating translations from English into languages like German, French and Spanish.

この利点は、DeepL が範囲ではなく完璧に重点を置いていることに由来していると考えられます。同社は、Google のように 100 以上の言語にわたる大規模ではあるが希薄化する可能性のあるトレーニング アプローチを追求するのではなく、サポートする言語ペアで最高品質の結果を絞り出すためにニューラル ネットワークのあらゆる側面を最適化しているようです。

Both DeepL and Google offer broadly similar customer support options like online knowledge bases, community forums and paid enterprise plans with enhanced capabilities. DeepL has a minor edge in the consumer space by offering a standalone desktop application for Windows and Mac, whereas Google Translate is primarily web and mobile-based. However, for most use cases, the two market-leading options appear broadly comparable in features and functionality, with DeepL having devoted optimization effort specifically towards precision machine translation quality. This gives it an edge for users focused principally on accuracy.


Determining the ideal machine translation solution for a particular business depends greatly on their specific needs and priorities. For common language pairs like English to Spanish, French or German, DeepL certainly appears to have an accuracy advantage based on conducted studies. However, for more niche language pairs, Google’s support for over 100 languages gives it the upper hand.

Rather than locking into only a single provider, the most prudent strategy is adopting a flexible, hybrid approach that combines multiple technologies. For website translation, platforms like ConveyThis exemplify this philosophy by seamlessly incorporating a diverse mix of leading neural translation engines, including both DeepL and Google Translate in addition to Microsoft Translator and Yandex. Based on the unique requirements of each language pair and content type, ConveyThis dynamically determines and selects the optimal engine most likely to deliver the best possible translation accuracy and result. This customizable, conditional approach allows benefiting from each technology’s relative strengths while minimizing weaknesses through specialization.


As an automated website translation platform, ConveyThis offers several unique advantages: Seamless integration with all major content management systems and platforms including WordPress, Shopify, Wix and more. This avoids complex custom software development. Automated translation of entire websites, not just standalone text. The solution crawls and extracts all text content from pages for localization. Review and editing capabilities to refine raw machine outputs through human post-editing based on priorities. API access to professional human translation services for both automation blending and specialist needs. Automated implementation of multilingual SEO best practices including URL structure, hreflang tags and search engine indexing. Ability to visually preview translated pages within the platform dashboard to validate content integrity. Collaboration tools like user roles and permissions to facilitate teams and external translators helping manage website localization. Continuous engine improvement monitoring and translation quality testing to ensure optimal results over time.

This strategic fusion of diverse neural machine translation technologies supplemented by human translation allows delivering professional yet cost-effective website localization capabilities.

ConveyThis の成功事例と使用例

ここでは、ウェブサイトを翻訳する顧客に ConveyThis がもたらした影響を強調する実際の例をいくつか紹介します。高級アパレルやアクセサリーを販売するヨーロッパの e コマース サイトでは、ConveyThis を使用して、150 を超える複雑な製品のカタログを 3 つの言語に翻訳しました。統合から稼働開始まで、プロセス全体は 15 日もかかりませんでした。その後、国際的なウェブサイトへのアクセスは 400% 以上増加しました。技術サポート コンテンツの豊富な知識ベースと、各分野の専門家による毎週のブログ更新を備えたグローバル SaaS 企業は、記事の手作業による翻訳に週 4 時間以上を費やしていました。ConveyThis を実装することで、翻訳プロセスの時間を 30 分に短縮し、出力量を増やすことができました。ヨーロッパの大手高級ファッション ブランドは、ドイツの読者をターゲットにしたオンライン マガジンへのトラフィックを拡大したいと考えていました。ConveyThis を統合し、新しい記事の翻訳を自動化したところ、2 か月以内にドイツ語のブログ トラフィックが 120% 増加しました。

The diverse use cases and verticals underscores how website localization through automated machine translation can deliver tremendous value across industries by connecting with foreign audiences.


While today’s top machine translation services make achieving quality at scale possible, thoughtful processes and strategy remain vital for maximizing impact. Here are key expert recommendations when implementing automated translation: Begin by ensuring a solid foundation of high-quality human translations for at least 30-50 core website pages per language. This provides neural engines essential training data for adapting to your site’s terminology and style. Phase language rollouts in a graduated manner based on data-driven business priorities and volume of human-translated pages ready. Certain markets may merit focused initiation. Consult multilingual SEO best practices and implement key optimizations like hreflang tags from the outset for indexation. Continuously expand human-translated pages in targeted languages to improve machine accuracy through ongoing training. Monitor analytics to identify engagement levels and ROI by language to guide investment. Let data inform priorities. Refine processes for requesting and managing human translation to focus effort on high-value pages. Seek optimization. Use both human and automated quality checks to validate output. Implement corrections loop.

With the proper strategic foundation and workflows in place, machine translation becomes a scalable asset that radically accelerates launching localized websites and content.


While already highly capable today, machine translation solutions will inevitably continue advancing and improving in coming years as research progresses. Some key innovations on the horizon include: Increased contextual awareness beyond text. Instead of just analyzing documents, engines may incorporate real-world knowledge and metadata to improve comprehension. Even more accurate handling of linguistic nuances like sentiment, tone and implied meaning through greater sophistication.

Expanded support for less common niche languages by training systems on broader data derived from sources like Wikipedia volunteer translations. Stronger performance and specialized proficiency in high-value domains like legal, medical and technical writing through focused datasets. Tighter integrations with multimedia content, conversational interfaces and speech translation driven by demand growth in video, voice and IoT. Enhanced integration into creative workflows through easy-to-use editing tools for faster human hybrid review.

However, for most practical business use cases today, neural machine translation has already matured sufficiently to deliver exceptional value and ROI for multilingual website localization. With proper implementation, the technology is fully capable of driving significant international growth and opportunity through engagement with foreign audiences.


In summary, today’s top neural machine translation services like DeepL and Google Translate provide a proven means for companies to cost-effectively localize websites at substantial scale. By embracing automated translation, organizations can finally tap into the enormous potential demand from non-English speaking internet users worldwide.



By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

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