
5 分でウェブサイトを多言語化

顧客体験の向上: ConveyThis でのサポートの変革

In a world where frustration often accompanies customer assistance, ConveyThis is rewriting the rules. With our powerful website translation solution, we ensure your content is not only multilingual but also vibrant and captivating. Gone are the days of feeling abandoned when seeking help from a brand you admire. Experience a new level of customer support that exceeds your expectations.

1. 顧客中心の精神: あなたを第一に考えます

At ConveyThis, we prioritize our customers like never before. As the Director of User Experience, I am thrilled to share insights into our customer service ethos and the remarkable journey that led to over 2000 5-star reviews. Our commitment to your satisfaction drives us to go above and beyond in providing personalized and attentive support.

2. サポートドリームチームの育成

Exceptional customer support starts with empathy, a quality we hold dear. We understand that while we may have mastered ConveyThis, our users may need guidance. Our commitment goes beyond just providing a product – it involves embedding customer service at the core of our values. With a team dedicated to understanding your unique needs, we ensure your voice is heard and your challenges are addressed promptly.

3. 完璧にフィットするものを見つける: 私たちを定義する特徴

Building the ConveyThis support team has been a transformative process. Drawing inspiration from renowned Silicon Valley companies, we strive to create an environment where every user feels special and cared for. Our team members possess not only technical expertise but also the ability to connect on a human level. We believe that by embracing diversity and individuality, we can cater to a wider range of user requirements.

4. 卓越性のためのトレーニング: スキルと専門知識の育成

私たちのチームに最適な人材を見つけるには、共感、積極性、感情的な回復力などの主要な特性を特定する必要がありました。私たちは、個性を活かすことで総合力が強化され、多様なニーズを持つユーザーにサービスを提供できると信じています。継続的なトレーニングと開発プログラムを通じて、当社のサポート チームが常に業界のトレンドとベスト プラクティスの最前線にいることを保証します。

5. 個別の支援への献身

私たちのチームを訓練することは課題でしたが、私たちは全員が同じ基準に到達できるようにすることに引き続き専念しています。単純なものから複雑なものまで、毎日 250 を超えるクエリを処理し、プランに関係なく、すべてのお客様にパーソナライズされたサポートを提供します。優れたサポートを提供するという当社の取り組みは、質問に答えがないことがなく、すべてのユーザーが当然の対応を受けることを意味します。

6. 将来に向けて:継続的な改善

Our efforts have paid off as we’ve witnessed remarkable growth, with over 50,000 websites adopting ConveyThis. Our average rating speaks volumes about our dedication, and we’re proud to celebrate our achievements. Looking ahead, we are committed to continually improving our support services. Our aim is to provide equal access and comprehensive assistance to users across different time zones. Through informative FAQs and helpful videos, we empower users to make the most of ConveyThis, ensuring their success in a multilingual online world.



By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

ConveyThis を 7 日間無料でお試しください!