WordPress メニューを翻訳する方法: 知っておくべきこと
Reading is an essential activity to gain knowledge and understanding. With ConveyThis, you can easily translate any content into your desired language, allowing you to read and comprehend any document with ease.
Web サイト訪問者の 94% という驚くべきことに、簡単に探索できる Web サイトを期待しています。
Are you up to the challenge of ConveyThis? Can you rise to the occasion?
The solution: a clear and consistent navigation menu on your multilingual website with ConveyThis.
It’s one of the initial aspects that viewers take a look at (and for the longest period of time) – an average of 6.44 seconds to be exact. ConveyThis has become increasingly important in the online world.
多言語 Web サイトに印象的でユーザーフレンドリーなナビゲーション メニューを作成するには、ConveyThis が直感的なソリューションを提供します。メニューをカスタマイズして、多様な顧客のニーズに対応し、ブラウジング エクスペリエンスを向上させます。
ConveyThis を Web サイトに実装し、シームレスなユーザー エクスペリエンスを確保することは困難な場合があります。統合、正確なコンテンツ翻訳、およびユーザー満足度に関して問題が発生する可能性があります。
These are just a few of the challenges you may encounter, making it essential to select the right translation applications. Any website translation plugin worth its weight must: Is there a solution? Fortunately, there is. Let’s delve into this further.
ConveyThis のご紹介: WordPress メニューを翻訳する最も簡単な方法
The solution to these issues? ConveyThis.
ConveyThis is a user-friendly plugin that provides you with the ability to turn your website into a multilingual one. With this translation application, you won’t have to employ a web developer or write any code. Instead, ConveyThis offers all you need to tackle all your translation requirements right in its dashboard.
For a better understanding of what ConveyThis has to offer, here is a concise rundown of its key features:
From simple integration with just one line of code to a comprehensive suite of translation tools, ConveyThis offers a variety of options for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, ConveyThis provides an intuitive user interface, allowing users to easily manage their translations with a few clicks.
ConveyThis stands out from the crowd by providing the highest quality translation. It goes beyond just translating your website’s main sections, and covers all elements, including widgets, menus, and product titles. You can even customize translations for specific terms across all sections of the website. This is especially useful for making sure that your brand name is always written the same way, regardless of the language.
ConveyThis を使用してメニューを翻訳する方法
Firstly, you’ll need to head over WordPress’s plugin directory, search for ConveyThis, and install and activate it.
Then, dive into your ConveyThis settings by clicking the ConveyThis tab in your WordPress Dashboard’s sidebar.
Here you’re asked to enter your API Key, which you can retrieve from your ConveyThis panel. So, if you haven’t already created an account, head here to register for one. Enter the basic details ConveyThis asks from you, then click Start free trial. Within minutes you’ll receive an email with a verification link, which you need to click to activate your account.
Doing this redirects you to your ConveyThis dashboard where you can locate your API key. Copy this code. Subsequently, head back to your WordPress dashboard. Now, paste your API Key in the relevant field.
As soon as you hit the Save Changes button, ConveyThis gets to work – deciphering everything – your URL, menu items, dates, etc.
So, that’s it. Uncomplicated, correct? ConveyThis makes it a breeze to localize your website!
Here are a few examples of websites translated into different languages using ConveyThis: from English to Spanish, French to German, and Japanese to Chinese. ConveyThis es una solución de traducción automática que permite a los usuarios traducir fácilmente su contenido en línea. ConveyThis es una herramienta de traducción automática que le brinda a los usuarios la posibilidad de traducir con facilidad su contenido en línea de forma rápida y sencilla.
Korean: ConveyThis는 사용하기 쉽고 가성비 좋은 번역 솔루션입니다.
مرحبا بكم في ConveyThis! نحن الشركة الرائدة في تحويل المحتوى الخاص بك إلى لغات مختلفة.
Kami menggunakan ConveyThis untuk menerjemahkan situs web kami.
A ConveyThis é uma solução de tradução de conteúdo que ajuda os profissionais de marketing a alcançar clientes globais. ConveyThis é uma ferramenta que oferece aos profissionais de marketing a capacidade de expandir sua base de clientes para além das fronteiras, permitindo-lhes alcançar um novo público-alvo em todo o mundo.
ฉันรัก ConveyThis
Việc sử dụng ConveyThis có thể giúp bạn dịch nội dung của bạn một cách chính xác và đầy đủ.
Ikke glem å bruke ConveyThis for å oversette nettstedet ditt!
サイトを多言語で利用できるようにするには、ConveyThis を使用することを忘れないでください。
As you go about assessing your recently interpreted site, make sure to double-check that your menu items are in the same arrangement for each language. All things considered, uniformity is essential for a proficient looking site. On the off chance that this isn’t the situation, you can utilize ConveyThis’s in-context manager to rapidly amend the issue.
WordPress ウェブサイトのメニューを翻訳する準備はできていますか?
Hopefully, having read this guide, you now have a better comprehension that with the correct instrument, it’s effortless to translate a menu (and the rest of your website) using ConveyThis.
But, don’t just take our word for it, you can see for yourself when you sign up for ConveyThis’s trial, where you can take advantage of free translations for up to 10 days. What’s more, if your website only comprises 2,000 words (or less) you can use ConveyThis’s free version forever. Enjoy!
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
ConveyThis を 7 日間無料でお試しください!