الفوائد الرئيسية لموقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات مع ConveyThis

اكتشف الفوائد الرئيسية لموقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات مع ConveyThis، باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي للاستفادة من الأسواق الدولية وتعزيز المبيعات.
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More than ever before, the world is becoming more and more connected and becoming a global village with the help of the internet. The internet has brought significant changes to political, commercial, and educational system as well as the way people now interact and communicate with one and other.

Interestingly, this means that the initial barrier of a physical boundary and borders that restrict or limit business expansion is no longer a problem as it used to be. Also, there is no need for establishing a physical location in all locations before you can commercialize your products and services because you can now virtually do your businesses and sell to anyone regardless of their location or territory in the world.

This is why it is more reasonable for business owners to have an ecommerce website. In fact, it is more reasonable and important to do this especially now that most of the physical shops are being shut because of the outbreak of the novel virus – coronavirus. If you were to be reliant on the physical shop, imagine lose that would have been accounted for when all doors are closed.

However, it is one to have an ecommerce website, it is another thing to improve user experience by making sure that visitors can use your website in different languages i.e. multilingual ecommerce website. Having a multilingual ecommerce website makes it possible for owners of businesses to be able to reach a vast majority of potential customers with effective cost.

تذكر أيضًا أنه بمساعدة الإنترنت ، أصبح من السهل الآن على أي شخص رعاية العلامة التجارية التي يختارها بغض النظر عن موقعه. هذا يعني أن عملاءك الدوليين يمكنهم دائمًا رعايتك من أي جزء من العالم دون الحاجة إلى التفكير في أي حاجز حدودي. أكثر من أي وقت مضى ، يشتري الناس الآن عبر الحدود. ومع ذلك ، فإن العامل الأساسي لإجراء عملية شراء ناجحة من قبل المشترين للمنتجات خارج بلدهم هو قدرة هؤلاء المشترين على فهم موقع الويب الذي هم على وشك الشراء منه.

These and some other seven (7) benefits that will be discussed in this article will help you to convincingly see that it is a right course to have a multilingual ecommerce website and having an ecommerce website that is multilingual will help your business make an edge.

Now let’s discuss the seven (7) benefits:

1. يساعدك موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات على الوصول إلى جمهور أوسع:

An ecommerce website that is not only readable but also understandable to countless numbers of online consumers and prospective online customers will definitely without delay help you witness an increase in the numbers of online visitors storming your online store.

With the help of English language, many business owners have been able to go across the borders and they have witness expansion globally. However, this expansion is only limited to the speakers of English language and English speaking territories. The vast majority of about 75% percent who are not speakers of English will not be well catered for. This is where blending other languages that are different from English language into ecommerce store comes into play because with more languages there will be more market prospects.

Many brands can attest to this fact. Some of the brands that have added more languages to their website using ConveyThis have seen international returns increased within a very short period of time. There was a doubling in some of the international sales within a period of 7 days.

What can we now say? We can say that we reckon with the fact that over 72% of online shoppers prefer to buy certain goods or services from an online store that provides information about the products and services in their local tongue. You must have a multilingual ecommerce website if you want to make international sales too.

2. يمنحك موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات ميزة على منافسيك:

Internet world Stats in its research as at 21st of March 2020, mentioned that the population of internet users that speak English language are only 25.9 percent of the world’s internet population. Bearing that in mind, you will see there is a huge need for website that is multilingual in order to cater for the remaining 74.1%. Hence, should you want to get expanded into the international market then you should have a multilingual site.

And when you do that before your competitors even think about it that indicates that you are an edge over them and you will be able to reach a vast audience even before them.

There is no need trying to convince you that you will have more gain when there is an increase in your audience. Some of those that have added even as little as four (4) languages to their website can convincingly reiterate that a bigger audience means a bigger sales potential for your brand.

3. يعزز موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات تجربة العميل:

Satisfying user experience and relating well with products and services are important determinants for your customers. It is one thing to have an ecommerce store, it is another thing to standout. Having the store is not just enough because of the ever increasing competition in the market.

Almost every time tens of hundreds of stores are created and they come online heavily prepared with loads of advertisement on the social media. However, many of them fails to acknowledge that it is important to keep things simple and make sure buying experience is not complicated for their customers.

To make things very simple and less complicated, make sure that all aspects from front page, descriptions of products, and even the checkout page is translated. This means you have got chances of making sales.

Nearly everyone loves it when they are addressed in the language of their heart i.e. their native language. They will be able to easily flow with your website and do things with little or no difficulty. They will be able to trust your brand because it will be difficult for them to second guess when they are about make purchases. As a result, they will be more engaged with your website by spending ample timeson the website before they leave.

4. يمنح موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات علامتك التجارية رؤية أفضل:

موقع التجارة الإلكترونية الذي تمت ترجمته بشكل صحيح هو بوابة لتحسين تصنيف محرك البحث. اعتمادًا على عدد اللغات التي تترجم موقع الويب الخاص بك إليها ، سوف تدرك أن استخدام المصطلحات الصحيحة والاختيار الصحيح للكلمات سيجعل موقع الويب الخاص بك يظهر بين النتائج عندما يتم البحث عن معلومات خاصة به عبر الإنترنت المتسوقين.

Rather just translating your website into more and more languages, you need to carefully check through the market you are targeting and the result of your research may mean that you need just one or two additional languages for your website.

5. يوفر موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات عروض ترويجية فعالة من حيث التكلفة:

You will have the opportunity of an increased revenue when you create a multilingual website as a result of the fact that you are at a vantage level of global communication.

When you translate your website with the help of ConveyThis, you can save the money that would have been used in creating new separate websites for each of the languages.

With that you can focus on your market objectives while your website is set for the targeted audience.

6. يجلب موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات المزيد من المبيعات والإيرادات:

One thing that is certain is that your website is set to generate more traffic leading to more sales and more revenues if translated into multiple languages.

ConveyThis can help to become searchable in the targeted markets and the effect of this is that more people who are not speakers of English will be more inclined and happy to buy from you thereby building strong customer-seller connections. The likelihood of customers to get engaged on your website is contingent on their ability to browse through, relate, read, and understand your website.

7. يساعد موقع التجارة الإلكترونية متعدد اللغات على بناء الثقة:

Some people usually have doubt buying from a website that is foreign language based. People are readily comfortable patronizing products from a website that is in language they can understand quite well. Common Sense Advisory in their survey mentioned that some 75% online shoppers who are not English language speaker prefers to buy from a website that uses their native language.

When the visitors are now comfortable with your website due to the fact that they know and understand the language of your website, you have succeeded in winning their hearts to your side. And you will be able to have a good relationship where they can fully trust your brand.

إن تقديم الطعام للغتهم هو مؤشر على أنك تهتم بهم وأنك تركز على عملائك. هذا سيجعلهم يتمتعون بتجربة ممتعة باستخدام موقع الويب الخاص بك.

In this article, so far, we have established the fact that having an ecommerce website that is translated into multiple languages is instrumental to the growth of your business. When you do this, your ecommerce store will not only be accessible and beautiful but it will become more profitable as you will be able to fit in and make competitive sales in the market today.

See how easy and simple it is to create a multilingual ecommerce website today by using one of the plans offered at ConveyThis.com.

هل أنت مستعد للبدء؟

الترجمة ، أكثر بكثير من مجرد معرفة اللغات ، هي عملية معقدة.

By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

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