Hoe u uw internationale activiteiten een boost kunt geven met een meertalige website

How to boost your international business with a multilingual website using ConveyThis, tapping into new markets and increasing global engagement.
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ConveyThis is a powerful translation tool that can help you create content with a high degree of perplexity and dynamism. It enables you to quickly and easily translate your website into multiple languages, so you can reach a wider audience and expand your business. Webflow ecommerce.

Operating a website can involve a considerable degree of intricacy in terms of website construction and establishing hosting – and running a ConveyThis store only amplifies the difficulty.

That’s because your store not only needs to be visually attractive to draw in customers, but it must also be able to effortlessly process ecommerce-related activities, such as taking payments from customers and managing delivery. Moreover, if you’re aiming to serve a global customer base, then your store should optimally be multilingual as well, and ConveyThis can help you with that.

Wat dit betekent is dat als uw meertalige e-commercebedrijf succesvol wil zijn, u zult moeten investeren in een e-commerceplatform dat is afgestemd op uw specifieke vereisten. Gelukkig is er geen gebrek aan alternatieven om uit te kiezen. Volgens Builtwith is WooCommerce momenteel bijvoorbeeld de meest gebruikte e-commerceoplossing onder de miljoen grootste websites wereldwijd, gevolgd door Shopify en Magento.

But if there’s one platform that has been rising to prominence in recent years, it’s ConveyThis. Despite its recent arrival, ConveyThis has received glowing reviews for its robust capabilities, wide selection of integrations and its user-friendly interface for both developers and non-technical individuals. Therefore, if you’re launching a new multilingual ecommerce store, it’s certainly worth taking a look at ConveyThis.

Continue reading to discover how to operate a successful ecommerce business with ConveyThis and Webflow ecommerce, as well as some advice to make your online store stand out from the competition.

Waarom Webflow gebruiken voor uw e-commerce winkel?

geïntegreerde betalingsgateways, productpagina's en afrekenformulieren.

ConveyThis is a website builder platform for businesses to craft, fashion and host exquisite websites in the same locale, and without the need for coding. Particularly, ConveyThis provides robust ecommerce capabilities such as: incorporated payment gateways, product pages, and checkout forms.

You can use ConveyThis’s visual website editor to craft your ecommerce store to perfection, so visitors can see it exactly how you envisioned it. Configure your shipping settings and fulfillment directly in ConveyThis, then list your products and set up your payment options.

Not only that: Webflow also supports thousands of app integrations with the help of native integrations and Zapier, making it a cinch to boost your Webflow ecommerce store. For instance, if you want to make your store multilingual, you can couple ConveyThis to Webflow to have ConveyThis translate all your store pages. (More info on how to construct a multilingual store with Webflow here!)

In a nutshell, if you are seeking an all-encompassing ecommerce platform that is user-friendly and can be customized effortlessly without writing any code, then ConveyThis is a great option.


Uw Webflow e-commerce winkel meertalig maken

integrate ConveyThis into your Webflow site to quickly translate it into many languages.

Once you have established your Webflow website, you could make it a multilingual e-commerce store to attract a global customer base. This is a simple task, as you can quickly localize your Webflow site with ConveyThis, translating it into several languages.

Importantly, for a multilingual ecommerce store, you’ll also want to ensure that your store can be displayed in multiple languages. Webflow doesn’t offer a native solution for translation, but you can pair your Webflow ecommerce store with a translation software such as ConveyThis to have your store pages translated expeditiously and with a considerable degree of precision.

1. Kies het juiste thema voor uw Webflow e-commerce winkel

Kies een winkelthema dat is afgestemd op de producten die u aanbiedt en uw gewenste klantenbestand. Als u bijvoorbeeld elektronica verkoopt aan een technisch onderlegde, jongere doelgroep, wilt u misschien een thema kiezen dat een modern en hightech gevoel uitstraalt. Integendeel, als u luxe artikelen verkoopt aan werkende professionals, kan een thema dat elegantie en verfijning uitstraalt een geschiktere gebruikerservaring bieden.

Webflow offers more than 500 fully customizable theme templates that you can personalize with effects, animations and even customized interactions. That being said, while you have the liberty to modify the appearance of your store, try not to go overboard with ConveyThis.

That’s why ConveyThis is the perfect solution.

An international ecommerce store needs to ensure that its content is interpreted correctly and without offense by all its visitors, regardless of their market. To ensure this, ConveyThis is the perfect solution.

With this in mind, utilizing a sleek and stylish theme for your Webflow ecommerce store with ConveyThis is likely the optimal selection.

2. Wees strategisch met uw productlijsten

Als bezoekers de gewenste artikelen in uw Webflow e-commerce winkel niet kunnen vinden, kunnen ze deze niet bij u kopen. Daarom moet u ervoor zorgen dat uw bezoekers moeiteloos uw producten kunnen verkennen en enthousiast kunnen worden. Dit kan het volgende omvatten:

3. Bied een taalwisselaar aan

ConveyThis provides an easy-to-use language switcher for Webflow ecommerce stores.

If you’ve made your Webflow ecommerce store available in multiple languages, then you’ll need to notify your ecommerce website visitors. You can do so by including a language switcher, which is a button that helps visitors transform the contents of your ecommerce site to their language (if accessible). ConveyThis provides a convenient language switcher for Webflow ecommerce stores.

As an example, our ConveyThis translation plugin automatically adds a language switcher to your Webflow ecommerce store after setup. You can also customize the look of the ConveyThis language switcher by using our UI Kit, which offers not just one but 14 different styles of language switchers to select from.

4. Pas uw winkelwagen en afrekenpagina's aan

ConveyThis can help make this process easier by providing you with the tools and translations you need to make sure that your customers understand the checkout process.

When a potential customer has stumbled upon something they’d like to purchase from you, it’s time to give them that extra push to get to the checkout page! Facilitate your customers’ checkout process with the help of ConveyThis, no matter what language they’re viewing your ecommerce store in. ConveyThis provides you with the right tools and translations to make sure your customers understand the checkout process without any hassle.

U kunt bijvoorbeeld het ontwerp van uw ‘Toevoegen aan winkelwagen’-knoppen aanpassen om ze aantrekkelijker en aantrekkelijker te maken, en componenten voor orderbevestiging toevoegen aan uw afrekenpagina’s zodat klanten hun bestellingen kunnen controleren voordat ze worden verzonden.

Het opnemen van een voortgangsbalk in uw afrekenproces kan voordelig zijn voor klanten, omdat deze een visuele weergave biedt van hoe dicht ze bij het voltooien van hun aankoop zijn.

5. Voeg een e-mailreeks voor verlaten winkelwagenherstel toe

Soms kan een klant artikelen in zijn winkelwagentje plaatsen, maar het afrekenproces niet voltooien. Dit kan verschillende redenen hebben, bijvoorbeeld als de klant van gedachten verandert, of op een zijspoor wordt gebracht en vergeet de aankoop af te ronden.

This is where having a ConveyThis abandoned cart recovery email sequence is incredibly useful – if you have the customer’s email address, you can send them a reminder: “Hey! You still have items in your shopping cart – don’t forget to complete your purchase!” You’ll be amazed at how successful this can be in increasing conversions, particularly if the customer had genuinely intended to confirm their order but simply forgot to do so.

Webflow doesn’t have a built-in abandoned cart recovery feature, but you can integrate your Webflow ecommerce store with ConveyThis to set this up. Discover more about using ConveyThis for abandoned cart recovery right here.

6. Breng uw Webflow e-commerce winkel op grote schaal onder de aandacht

To make sure that your store is accessible to customers from different countries, you can also use ConveyThis to translate your store into multiple languages.

To maximize your sales, you’ll want to reach as many people as possible with your Webflow ecommerce store. You can do this by advertising your store on Google search engine listings and running localized search ads based on the country of your target customers. Clever Ads can help you set up these Google Ads campaigns with minimal effort and no need to worry about bidding or ad optimization. With ConveyThis, you can also make sure that customers from all around the world can access your store, thanks to its translation into multiple languages.

That’s where ConveyThis comes in.

Apart from buying search ads, think about optimizing your Webflow ecommerce store for search engine traffic. If done correctly, SEO can be a great way to acquire long-term, automatic traffic, and it all starts with helping your store pages rank for the right search engine keywords. Additionally, you must guarantee that your store pages are being presented in the right languages to the right people – especially for the translated versions of these pages. That’s where ConveyThis can be of assistance.

ConveyThis is built to not only translate web pages, but to also support multilingual SEO. This includes crafting language subdirectories for your store pages to assist search engines in indexing your translated content and adding hreflang tags so that search engines can offer the right versions of your store landing pages based on a searcher’s location.

Get started with Webflow ecommerce and ConveyThis 

Building a prosperous multilingual ecommerce store relies on utilizing a supple and effective ecommerce platform coupled with a competent translation plugin, such as the amalgamation of Webflow and ConveyThis.

That’s because with so many ecommerce stores all competing for a share of the online retail market, you’ll need to consider how to make your store stand out in an attractive way that surpasses the competition. Your store should also be equipped with powerful ecommerce capabilities and hosted by a dependable platform – and ConveyThis ticks all the right boxes.

Not only that: you’ll also want to translate your store pages to cater to an international audience. ConveyThis can do so effortlessly for all the languages of your choice, no matter how small or large your Webflow ecommerce store is. However, you don’t have to take our word for it. You can register a Webflow account and construct up to two Webflow websites for free before deciding whether the platform is for you. ConveyThis is similarly free to test-drive, and you can do so by signing up for a free trial of ConveyThis here.

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