ConveyThis vs. Competitors: Why ConveyThis Leads the Way

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ConveyThis vs.

If you’re choosing a translation plugin for your website, you’re probably already aware that there are so many options that it can be tricky to determine the right solution for you. This page will help you understand how ConveyThis compares to other players in the field.

> Weglot Vertalen

WeGlot provides users with a simple interface that makes navigating the features of their website easy for new customers. However, WeGlot is significantly more expensive than competitors and only allows users up to 2,000 translated words for free. ConveyThis offers 2,500 free words with other options ranging from 10,000 to 200,000 words. ConveyThis allows users access to a wide network of customer service representatives despite which payment plan you sign up for.


WPML allows users to expand on the basic functionality of WordPress when using the platform to build their website. However, WPML is only useful for those that utilize WordPress to perform such tasks as WPML is a WordPress exclusive plugin and cannot be used for any other website building platform. ConveyThis can be used to translate any website regardless of whether or not it was built using WordPress.

> Smartkat

While Smartcat offers a forever free plan similar to ConveyThis, the features available in the Smartcats free plan only offers customers a small portion of what the ConveyThis free plan offers. Furthermore, Smartcats other payment options are very few and very expensive while ConveyThis offers more options to customers while providing the same services and more for a fraction of the cost.

> MeertaligePers

While good for large businesses to optimize their localization, MultilingualPress is not tailored towards the individual consumer and their interface can be confusing for some. Their payment plans do not provide customers with nearly the same amount of options that ConveyThis offers and the prices for their services are very expensive. ConveyThis provides localization services that cater to both businesses and the individual for the ultimate user-friendly experience.

> Geheugenbron

Memsource is good for users seeking a basic experience with simple integrations, minimal project management features and machine translation options. However, Memsource is not tailored towards the individual user but rather a large business and their expensive prices reflect just that. ConveyThis can easily be used by both individuals and businesses to serve their localization needs for a fraction of the cost.

> Polylang

Polylang’s online website translator can also make your website multilingual. Just like ConveyThis it has a free trial that lets you translate a great number of words. However, you can only translate on WordPress, and getting ecommerce site translations requires you to get the pro package. ConveyThis lets you translate on any webpage or ecommerce site right from the start.

> Steppen

Stepes offers translations in several industries, claiming to be fast, accurate and affordable. However, ConveyThis has more languages to translate (over 100!) offers a free plan with lots of advantages, and setup is easy, fast and more affordable- there’s no need to call before you buy or try.

> Zin

Phrase claims to be a site localization service, translating websites to gain traction from other websites. Not only can ConveyThis do it as well, but has over 100 languages, a fast, easy and affordable setup, and allows you to try it for free forever- Phrase only offers a 14 day trial before needing payment.

> GVertalen

Gtranslate uses Google Translate to translate your website, which although cheap, is prone to inaccuracy. With ConveyThis you can get your site translated in 100+ languages faster and more accurate than Google Translate, and for less- our forever free plan lets you use the power of our machine translation for as long as you need to.

> Lingotek

LingoTek offers professional translation and integration services for any company big and small. However, their service processing times are incredibly long. To get fast, accurate and affordable translation and integration services for your website, use ConveyThis! Our forever free plan is the best way to see how powerful our machine translation software is.

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Onze service is betaalbaarder vergeleken met WeGlot, maar dat is niet het enige bedrijf dat we verslaan qua prijzen! Kijk zelf maar!

Functie ConveyThis Weglot




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$ 15/maand







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$ 29/maand







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$ 79/maand



Hoeveel woorden staan er op uw site?

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Veel Gestelde Vragen

Onze plug-in vertaalt pagina's on the fly. Dat betekent dat de pagina alleen wordt vertaald als iemand deze op uw site opent. Dus om andere, niet-vertaalde pagina's te vertalen, kunt u ze op uw site openen en een taal selecteren. Dit zal ze dwingen om te worden vertaald.

Een gedetailleerd antwoord om informatie over uw bedrijf te verstrekken, vertrouwen op te bouwen bij potentiële klanten en de bezoeker ervan te overtuigen dat u goed bij hen past.

Bekijk onze gratis online tool: Website Woordenteller

Ja, breng je vrienden en kennissen mee. Proeflees en bewerk vertalingen met behulp van onze in-context visuele interfaces en verhoog de conversieratio's op uw bestemmingspagina's.

We behandelen al onze klanten als onze vrienden en behouden een 5-sterren ondersteuningsbeoordeling. We streven ernaar om elke e-mail en elk telefoontje tijdig te beantwoorden tijdens normale kantooruren: 9.00 tot 18.00 uur EST MF.

Yes, we do! If you build and/or promote websites for your clients, sign up for our PRO plan or higher to re-sell ConveyThis to your clients for one low monthly price.

Yes, we do! ConveyThis employs a team of account managers and support professionals to carefully guide your enterprise company through all stages of website localization. Monthly billing and payment with a business check is supported.

Maandelijkse vertaalde paginaweergaven zijn het totale aantal bezochte pagina's in een vertaalde taal gedurende één maand. Het heeft alleen betrekking op uw vertaalde versie (het houdt geen rekening met bezoeken in uw oorspronkelijke taal) en omvat geen bezoeken aan zoekmachinebots.

Ja, als je minimaal een Pro-abonnement hebt, heb je de multisite-functie. Hiermee kunt u meerdere websites afzonderlijk beheren en krijgt u toegang tot één persoon per website.

Professionele taalvertaling wordt aangeboden door menselijke taalkundigen. We hebben een netwerk van 216.498 freelance vertalers in dienst die alle soorten talen, documenten en specialisaties kunnen vertalen. Elk stuk tekst dat door een machinevertaler is vertaald, kan tegen een lage vergoeding door mensen worden proefgelezen. Bespaar uzelf tijd en geld door professionele taalkundigen in te schakelen om belangrijke pagina's op uw website te vertalen!

Dit is een functie waarmee u een reeds vertaalde webpagina naar uw buitenlandse bezoekers kunt laden op basis van de instellingen in hun browser. Als u een Spaanse versie heeft en uw bezoeker uit Mexico komt, wordt de Spaanse versie standaard geladen, waardoor het voor uw bezoekers gemakkelijker wordt om uw inhoud te ontdekken en aankopen te voltooien.

Yes, we do! ConveyThis is a major provider of instant website translation solutions to US government and its subsidiaries. We offer flexible account management, training and ongoing support for government employees and local organizations.