ConveyThis ile Küresel Satış Yapmaya Yönelik Uluslararası E-ticaret Kılavuzu
There are countless benefits selling your products online especially when your product goes international. This global style of business gives you an exceptional opportunity for your business to thrive exponentially.
İnternetin küresel satışta önemli bir oyuncu olduğundan endişe ediyor olsanız da, son zamanlarda giderek daha fazla insanın artık internet kullandığının farkında olmalısınız. Aslında, dünya çapında 4,5 milyardan fazla insan internet kullanıyor.
You may have “exhausted” your local market, looking for opportunity to explore an international market or weighing up options available to magnetize more consumers online before erecting a physical structure in the foreign location. Instead of sitting down contemplating, now is the time to take action.
Her geçen gün büyüyen küresel e-ticaret pazarından pay almanın bir yolunu bulmalısınız. Bunun için uluslararası pazarlama stratejisi uygulanmalıdır. Bu nedenle, başarılı olmak için dış pazara açılmaya başlamak için daha fazlasına ihtiyaç vardır.
Başlamak istiyorsanız, e-ticareti küresel olarak nasıl genişletebileceğinize ilişkin ayrıntılı kılavuzu inceleyin. Farklı pazarlar için farklı yaklaşımın uluslararası pazar düzeyinde karar olması gerektiğini hatırlamak çok önemlidir. Size yardımcı olabilecek şeyler şunlardır:
1. Kapsamlı Pazar ve Ürün Araştırmasının işinizin Temel Çalışması olmasına izin verin.
Spot your desired market: you don’t need a flamboyant or costly analysis and consultation at the very first. You are to compare your data with the market of your choice by spotting certain location where you can get plenty buyers with conversion rates and whose order value is more than average.
Derinlemesine çevrimiçi araştırma yapın: Arzu ettiğiniz pazarı belirledikten sonra, çevrimiçi olarak kapsamlı araştırma yaparak stratejilerinizi geliştirmeye başlayın. Google trendleri sayesinde, seçtiğiniz lokasyondaki potansiyel müşterilerin Google aramalarından nelerle ilgilendiğini anlayabilirsiniz. Bu, uygun temalar bulmanızı ve Google trendlerinden arama anahtar kelimelerini öğrenmenizi mümkün kılacaktır. Ayrıca, potansiyel müşterileriniz tarafından belirli, muhtemelen ilgili ürünlerin ne kadar ve ne kadar arandığını değerlendirebileceksiniz.
Other thing to keep watch on are your competitors who are already offering your products or similar products. Research them and see what they are doing right and wrong, then appraise your products and services to balance the loopholes.
Employ software tools: because of the fact that the word is going more and more technological, many online platforms and sophisticated tools that are simple and cost effective are now available for anyone. Software that can help sellers to gain insight into markets are widely available. They can help you peer into any competition, potential gains, target market and help you to make necessary adjustments in e-commerce markets.
You will be able to have a solid market selection that is based on data found and will be able to predetermine what service or product will be bestselling in a foreign location.
2. İş Stratejinizi, İş Operasyonunuzu ve Yasal Konularınızı Hazırlayın
Choose the right place for your market: you should ask yourself “what form will distribution of my products take?” “What about having a running online store?” “Is my online store Shopify based?” Answering these questions will help you find the right place for your market. Each of the questions can be approached uniquely. These will be mentioned later.
More responsibilities: the more the expansion in your business the grater the responsibilities. Check through yourself if only you can handle all the tasks related to your business or you will be needing a helping hand. And remember that additional hands requires additional space and financial commitments.
Bu konuda dış kaynak firmaların hizmetlerinden faydalanmak isteyebilirsiniz.
Bütçeler ve mali durum:
Weigh up your abilities when it comes to finances and set up a fitting budget for your size. You can have a separate budget for local markets and international markets.
Yasal Konular:
Learn about legal terms and conditions of the targeted location. Legal matters binding currency exchange, customs services, duties and taxes of different locations especially when you sell online internationally. A more careful evaluation of legal matters involves getting informed about data protection policy, tariff plans, insurance policy, monetary exchange and payment options available to a specific location.
Örneğin, PayPal bazı ülkelerde hesap sahipleri için ödeme almayı askıya almıştır. Böyle bir ülkeye örnek Nijerya'dır. İşletmeniz böyle bir ülkedeyse ve dünyaya açılmak istiyorsanız, PayPal'ı bir ödeme çözümü ağ geçidi olarak koyamazsınız.
Nakliye, iade ve müşteri hizmetleri hizmetlerinin ele alınması:
An important assignment when it comes to selling globally is caring for the needs of your customers. It includes, but not limited to, responding to inquiries, handling shipments and shipping, and allowing customer grace period to return products when they are not satisfied.
Delivery expectations should be simple and well spelt out. You should have a return policy that is quite standard. You may want to choose between replacing the products and refunding the customer’s money. It will be wise to set a period limit for returning products and weigh up cost that will be accrued in the process of restocking and redelivering the products.
Also, your customer care service should be given a good thought. Will you offer a 24/7 customer care services? Or is it going to be based on business time and business day of the location? In what language will the customer support be provided? These questions should be answered when planning your customers’ service support.
3. Pazarı Keşfedin
If you are contemplating selling your products on Amazon internationally, you will later discover that it is not a complex thing. Here are the few steps that can guide you to start selling internationally on Amazon:
- Kişisel bulgular yapın. Ardından ürüne ve Amazon'da hangi pazar konumu için satış yapacağınıza karar verin.
- Substantiate and restructure your analyses using Amazon tool.
- Bir Amazon satıcı kaydı yapın, ardından ürünlerinizin bir listesini yapın.
- Amazon Lojistik'i mi yoksa Satıcı Olarak Lojistik yöntemini mi kullanmak istediğinizi seçin.
Bu kadar! Senin gitmen iyidir.
If you don’t want to use Amazon, you can choose eBay as an alternative means of selling globally. To start selling on eBay, below are what are necessary:
- Tanınmış ve gerçek bir eBay hesabına sahip olun.
- Kayıtlı bir PayPal hesabınız olduğundan emin olun.
- Substantiate and restructure your analyses using the research tool designed for eBay.
- Ürünlerinizi uygun ürün kategorileri altında listeleyin. Muafiyet olarak uluslararası satışı olan bazı kategoriler olduğunu lütfen unutmayın.
- Her bir ürün listesi için nakliye hizmetlerini belirli yerlere ayarlayın ve izin verin.
- Tedarik bölgenizi seçin.
Basit değil mi? Bu kadar.
Unlike the earlier mention options, having an international online market using Shopify is a little more of work than others. However, one reason you should try Shopify is that it let you have sales of products to a targeted market. Some find it hard to start using Shopify but you can try it by following the steps below.
- Create a Shopify account
- Get a subdomain for the international location form your existing store or get a fresh domain.
- Localize your new domain or subdomain in terms of prices of your products, currencies available, contact information of the seller, time zone and so on. By doing this, your new domain will be optimized.
- Try to get the location of people visiting the page and direct them to the product of their choice or products that are appropriate by using IP redirect.
- In your new domain or subdomain, make an adjustment to accommodate the target country in Google search console.
And that’s all about it. You can start selling globally.
Your personal online store: since it is your desire to get an international attention and audience for your market by means of online store, the very next and important thing to do is to localize your business. This means you are to adapt your business to your prospective customers by imagining what you would have been interested in if you were to be the one buying. This will help you to offer a fulfilling and valuable buying experience by honing your online store for the targeted location in the international market.
Bu kılavuz, küresel olarak satış yapmanıza yardımcı olacak uluslararası bir e-ticaret kılavuzu olsa da, e-ticaret web sitenizi yerelleştirmeye yönelik bazı adımları kısaca görelim. Bunlar:
- Present and enhance shopping experience with multiple languages.
- State categorically that your accept buying orders from anywhere around the globe.
- Let the prices of your products be in currency that is locally circulated.
- Regulate and make a standard of your products by using product identifiers. For instance you may use GTIN lookup or Asinlab to convert ISBN or other codes of your inventory.
- Let your customers know you have more than one payment option and select which you most preferred.
- Have a custom website for each of the markets ensuring each has local domain name.
- Ensure that you have well-structured plans for shipping and returns.
- Prepare and provide a suitable customer care support service.
Remember that there are countless benefits selling your products online especially when your product goes international. That is why you should not miss out of such amazing benefits. Start selling globally today.
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