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ConveyThis: Exclude Specific Pages or Segments from Translation

Why should I exclude pages from translation?

Sometimes you don’t need to translate all pages on your website. For example, you may not want to translate the Cookie Policy.

How to exclude pages from translation?

In order to exclude pages from translation, please log into ConveyThis Dashboard, and find “Excluded Pages” on the left side menu.

Once there, you can use four rules to exclude page: Start, End, Contain, Equal.

Start – Exclude all pages starting with <your URL>. For example, https://example.com/blog/hello-world

End – Exclude all pages enging with <your URL>. For example, https://example.com/blog/hello-world

Contain – Exclude all pages where URL contains <your URL>. For example, https://example.com/blog/hello-world

Equal – Exclude single page where URL is exactly same with <your URL>. For example, https://example.com/blog/hello-world

*Please keep in mind that you need to use Relative URLs. For example, for page https://example.com/blog/ use /blog

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