Como a localização é fundamental para criar e construir um público global com ConveyThis
A tradução chinesa para “Pepsi traz seus ancestrais de volta à vida” foi um produto de tradução incorreta algum tempo atrás. O slogan da marca era realmente dizer “Venha vivo com a geração Pepsi”.
Outro exemplo semelhante é o da Coca-Cola. No momento do lançamento, foi descoberto que seu suposto lema interessante foi mal traduzido para “égua recheada de cera” ou “morde o girino de cera”, conforme o caso pode ser com qualquer um dos dialetos em chinês. Após um exame cuidadoso, houve a necessidade de reformular o nome e o slogan para se adequar ao propósito e à reputação da marca. Por isso, optaram pelo “kekoukele” que é “felicidade na boca” ou “diversão saborosa”.
The examples above show that there used to be mistranslation not only in brand names or motto but generally when translating from one language to another. That is why content localization is vital. Content localization means trying to adapt or tailor your content to a specific location so as to relate and identify with the audience in the location. This goes beyond just rendering words from a source language in into the targeted language. It involves ensuring that your contents are tabled in such a way that it considers local cultural sensitivities. This makes sense because there are differences in the needs and interests in one culture from another culture.
It will not be wise to use the same approach for each and every locations you are targeting around the world because this will not present your brand to all the way it should. For example, the current trends in one geographical location may be far away from what is trending in another geographical location. In fact, that is where discrepancy in languages takes effect.
There are varieties of languages today. Many of the consumers who are users of these languages prefer to relate with brands in the language of their heart. As if that is not enough, a research suggests that roughly 40% of consumers will probably not but products because it’s not in their native language while the other 60% will still buy the products, however, they prefer having the products translated in their language.
In the localization process, translation from one language to another is the number one step. This is because localization is more than translation and it involves creating unique contents and experience that local consumers in your target market can quickly relate to. When you do this, you will not only create but you will be building sustainable local consumers all around the globe.
Now, let us delve more into what localization is.
O que é localização de conteúdo?
A localização de conteúdo é o processo de tradução, transformação e revisão do conteúdo que você criou ou produziu para um mercado-alvo, para garantir que seja geral e culturalmente razoável, compreensível e aceitável no novo mercado em que você está tentando entrar. Isso envolve adaptar ou alinhar a tradução do conteúdo para comunicar e transmitir a mensagem pretendida de sua marca da maneira, tom, estilo e / ou conceito geral adequados.
Reasons localization is key to global growth. The more consumers feel connected to your brand the more they are willing to spend
People gets to feel relaxed with each other when they finally get connected with one another. Same it is with customers and your products, customers are willing to spend more when the feel connected to brands. A study observed shows that 57% are ready to increase their spending once they feel connected to a brand and about 76% will patronize such brand over their competitors.
What then should be done? The thing is that you need to trigger connection with consumers first. You can do this by creating and building contents that can spark local customers’ interest and cater for their need in the targeted market. Your contents should indicate that you are deeply interested in them and what they want. This will make your customers to feel at home, get relaxed, feel they are well understood, well respected and well taken care of.
For example, if you try to publish a South American concentrated ebook for an audience in the Asian-Pacific region you are definitely off the track. This is because, ordinarily, the audience in Asia-Pacific region will not be inclined to read such a material that is not focused or talking about their region. Same will happen if you are publishing an Asian-Pacific ebook for an African audience or vice versa. These audiences will not naturally want to read the published material as it has nothing to do with them and such material will be irrelevant to their lives and cultures.
The example above shows that you are to create contents that are unique for the specific market you are targeting because one man’s treasure is another man’s thrash.
In order to create unique content, follow the suggestions below:
1. Considere sua escolha de palavra :
Adapte suas palavras ao mercado-alvo. Use palavras com as quais os clientes possam se identificar rapidamente. Às vezes, dois países diferentes falam a mesma língua, mas há variações na maneira como usam a língua. Um exemplo típico disso é a forma britânica e americana da língua inglesa. Os britânicos usam a palavra 'futebol', enquanto os americanos usam 'futebol'. Se um cliente britânico visitar sua página e perceber o uso frequente do termo "futebol", poderá concluir rapidamente que você não está falando com ele.
A página inicial da Microsoft para o público dos EUA é ligeiramente diferente da da Grã-Bretanha, embora ambos os locais falem a mesma língua, ou seja, o idioma inglês. Isso é feito para apresentar conteúdo que seja atraente para os indivíduos de cada um dos locais.
2. Insira referências da cultura musical local:
The music culture varies from one place to the other around the world. Gossips about celebrities, funny and trending memes in the country of interest can be a good idea in one place but a bad idea somewhere else. This is why you need to research trends that are pervasive in each targeted location before you begin generating contents that are localized. In whatever way you are doing this, make sure there is a mention of right cultural references.
3. Share pertinent stories:
Relevant stories that your audience can relate to should be shared.
For instance, if you are writing for an African audience, it will be best to use African names and characters in your stories. Also ensure that your story has elements of African culture and their lifestyle.
Let us take the popular clothing brand LOUIS VUITTON as an example. In their quest for expansion into the German and Dutch markets, they decided to translate and localize their website into German regardless of the fact that most of the people that form parts of the audience in the location understand English language. Doing this has without doubt increased their conversion rate in those locations.
4. Mantenha um relacionamento profundo com seus clientes fiéis:
É uma ideia muito boa manter clientes fiéis, porque clientes fiéis são os melhores tipos de clientes. Eles não o tratam apenas uma vez, pois estão sempre prontos para fazer isso de novo e de novo. Eles também anunciam subconscientemente seus produtos para outras pessoas. É importante conquistar cada vez mais clientes fiéis, porque com eles você mais patrocínio e sua marca se tornará fonte de discussão em festas em qualquer lugar do mundo.
5. Aparecer nos resultados da pesquisa local:
The words of your site visitors varies from one place to another. So you might also be thinking that there is every possibility that search will be different from one place to another. The words they will be using to search for your products and services will differ from places to places.
With the help of localized contents, you will be able to use the right keywords that are unique to different markets these will make it easy for your site to dominate search results when there is a call for it.
Se quisermos voltar ao exemplo de “futebol” e “futebol” mencionados anteriormente. Se o seu conteúdo para o público americano não estiver devidamente localizado, você perceberá que os visitantes americanos nunca encontrarão seu site quando pesquisarem "futebol" no Google, porque não estão familiarizados com o uso desse termo.
6. Providencie uma experiência de compra personalizada:
Many customers still question only payments as they doubt that means of paying for goods and services. Now imagine using payment gateway that audience in your target market are not familiar with it. It will be very disastrous.
Use a variety of payment methods depending on the targeted market. For example, Boleto Bancario will be the right choice for online shoppers in Brazil because they can relate to it and it is easy for them to look for other brands that will give them such option if you have not provided one.
This is one of the reasons why many shoppers abandon their carts with no purchase. When it comes to localization, localize everything from first page to the check page. It is a vital way of keeping your customers engaged and providing an exciting online shopping experience for your customers.
Neste artigo, discutimos que localização é mais do que tradução e envolve a criação de conteúdos e experiências únicos com os quais os consumidores locais em seu mercado-alvo podem se relacionar rapidamente. Ao fazer isso, você não apenas criará, mas também estará construindo consumidores locais sustentáveis em todo o mundo. Você se tornará produtivo. Você terá uma audiência global patrocinando você. E eventualmente terá clientes fiéis que convidam seus amigos para sua página.
You can try to start website localization project for free on ConveyThis with immediate effect.
Translation, far more than just knowing languages, is a complex process.
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
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