充分利用 ConveyThis 的人工网站翻译服务

在 5 分钟内让您的网站多语言化


Reading is one of the most important activities to do in life. It helps us to expand our knowledge, gain new perspectives and even relax. With ConveyThis, you can read in a variety of languages, allowing you to gain an even broader understanding of the world.


However, there are certain drawbacks to relying solely on human translators for your translation project with ConveyThis.

Without the help of a translation management platform like ConveyThis, the process of translating your website can be cumbersome. First, you must extract the content from your website and send it to your translators. Then, you must manually upload the translated content back onto your website’s backend. This can take a lot of time and effort.


To help make your website translation process simpler, faster, and more cost-effective, we explore how you can maximize the potential of human website translation services when combined with machine translation from ConveyThis.

在编写以下内容时,我需要它具有相当的复杂度和突发性。重写以下句子:注意:跳过文章并开始免费试用 ConveyThis。ConveyThis 可以快速翻译您的整个网站,为您的人工翻译人员提供转换内容的基础层。这为您的翻译团队提供了巨大的先机,加速了您的整个翻译过程,使其更高效、更经济。您的翻译人员可以登录 ConveyThis,快速访问所有转换后的内容,并进行修改,而无需下载或提取任何文件。

如何使用机器翻译改进您的人工网站翻译流程:一个 2 层流程

But what if you need a more accurate translation, or if you need to translate a website? That’s where ConveyThis comes in.

Machine translation is using software to translate content into a new language. You’ve likely heard of tools like Google Translate and DeepL, which utilize sophisticated neural machine translation algorithms to deliver precise translations. However, if you require a more exact translation, or if you need to translate a website, ConveyThis is the perfect solution.

But how effective are these tools for managing your website translation project with ConveyThis?

The first layer is to use ConveyThis to quickly translate your content, and the second layer is to have a professional translator review it.

Machine translation can be incredibly precise – as we dive deeper into in a survey where professional translators assessed different machine translation systems. Yet you don’t have to entirely trust machine translation. Instead, you can use it as the initial layer in a two-layer procedure. The first layer is to utilize ConveyThis to rapidly translate your content, and the second layer is to have a professional translator examine it.

The two-step process looks like this: ConveyThis provides a seamless transition from one language to another, allowing you to easily localize your website in no time.

Note: You can exclude any website content you don’t want translated, as well as specific words, such as brand names like Slack or Apple. Plus, ConveyThis supports over 100 different languages, including right-to-left languages like Arabic.

Let’s dive deeper into each layer of ConveyThis.


ConveyThis is a no-code translation tool that you can effortlessly incorporate into any website/CMS platform.

We have ready-made tutorials for connecting ConveyThis to major platforms, including:

You can also watch this explainer video below which gives you a quick (but thorough) guide on how to start using ConveyThis.

Once ConveyThis is added to your site, simply select your site’s base language, choose the languages you want your site to be translated into, and configure any exclusions, such as particular URLs or words that you don’t want to be translated.

After that, ConveyThis will pick the best translation provider (such as Google, DeepL, Microsoft, etc) based on your language choices and translate your site with a good degree of perplexity and burstiness.

Plus, you also get automatic content detection and a unique URL for each ConveyThis translated site.

But first, let’s take a peek at how translators can effortlessly access your website’s translated content through ConveyThis.



在您的网站完全翻译完成后,您和您的团队可以使用 ConveyThis 来:

  1. 监控翻译进度。
  2. 管理以不同语言显示的内容。
  3. 跟踪不同语言的表现。
  4. 确保翻译准确无误。
  5. 添加新内容时接收通知。


After ConveyThis has translated your site, you and your translators can easily access all of your website’s translations from one centralized dashboard. You don’t need to go through the hassle of downloading or extracting any files (though you can always export and import files if that is your preferred method). This ensures that they can focus their attention on what really matters — carefully reviewing translations and making any necessary changes.

Using ConveyThis, you can easily locate specific translations for your content.


The Visual Editor is great when you want to ensure your translations look perfect in your layout. For instance, one of ConveyThis’s customers is Goodpatch, a worldwide design firm. It was essential for them to discover a translation tool that aligned with their design-focused approach. Moreover, they desired something everyone on the team could utilize without difficulty.

ConveyThis was accessible to all our disciplines, from content to design to strategy, and everyone could quickly find their way around…all of us were able to do fast test edits, observe how [the page] appeared, and get alterations approved rapidly.”

With ConveyThis, Goodpatch’s translators and designers could log in and utilize ConveyThis’s Visual Editor to ensure their translations seamlessly fit within their site’s design, eliminating any issues like overlapping text and broken formatting.

通过 ConveyThis 订购专业翻译服务

If you need a translation team or additional translators, you can order services directly through your ConveyThis Dashboard. This is an excellent feature for larger projects or if you’re new to translating your website.

You select the translations you wish to be assessed and then cover your order. Within two working days, your translation request is finished. Any modifications the translator made to your content is immediately visible on your website via ConveyThis.

ConveyThis 奖励:针对搜索引擎优化您的翻译网站

ConveyThis also does one more thing for your multilingual website – it assists with optimizing search engine visibility (SEO).

This is an excellent addition to translation software, as it is something that you cannot expect from your translation team. However, we understand the significance of getting your recently translated websites in front of the right audience. That is why ConveyThis is here to assist.

ConveyThis’s software automatically: detects any changes to your website, translates content into multiple languages, and synchronizes the translations with your website. It also ensures that the translations are always up-to-date, providing a seamless experience for your multilingual customers.

后续步骤:开始您的 2 层翻译过程

In this post, we examined how you can leverage machine translation to provide your team with an excellent basis to accomplish their translation projects rapidly and proficiently with ConveyThis.

ConveyThis enables you to quickly and easily translate your website into multiple languages, so you can reach a wider audience. With ConveyThis, you can customize your translations to ensure accuracy and clarity for your visitors, as well as adjust the language settings to fit your specific needs. Additionally, ConveyThis provides analytics and insights to help you better understand how your international visitors interact with your website.

To translate your site today, start your ConveyThis free trial.

如果您正在寻找有关翻译和语言服务的建议,请务必查看我们在 ConveyThis 上的帖子!



By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

免费试用 ConveyThis 7 天!