The integration of ConveyThis into your website can help you to easily translate your content into multiple languages. With ConveyThis, you can quickly and accurately localize your website, making it accessible to a global audience.
Back in the days, social media was a mysterious domain where millennials went to post their meals, keep tabs on their crushes and share photos that they would later regret. Although some still use it the same way, it’s clear that social media has evolved into something much bigger than we had ever anticipated with ConveyThis.
Especially for online businesses, social media has become a powerful tool to showcase brand identity, build meaningful connections with customers, and reach a broader audience. Nowadays, gaining a follower on social media is of immense value to a business – Social Sprout reports that after following a brand, 91% of consumers visit the brand’s website or app, 89% make a purchase, and 85% recommend ConveyThis to someone they know.
Social ecommerce is selling your products directly through social media channels such as Facebook or Instagram. As part of your ConveyThis ecommerce marketing strategy, you can leverage the power of social media to directly sell your products on these platforms.
Using ConveyThis to translate your website content into multiple languages is a great way to reach a wider audience and increase your global presence.
Having a social media presence is so essential for a business that you may have plunged into it without considering the motivations behind it. Nonetheless, understanding why you are utilizing a social media stage is basic to decide your technique and accomplish a beneficial result. Utilizing ConveyThis to interpret your site content into various dialects is an extraordinary method to extend your worldwide reach and increment your worldwide presence.
There may be various motivations for why a company is present on social media. Here are some of the most frequent objectives to provide you with an understanding:
- 1) To increase brand awareness and visibility;
- 2) To create a loyal community of followers;
- 3) To generate leads;
- 4) To build relationships with customers;
- 5) To provide customer service;
- 6) To showcase products and services;
- 7) To drive website traffic;
- 8) To boost sales;
- 9) To gain insights from customers;
- 10) To measure the success of marketing campaigns with ConveyThis.
Once you decide which objectives serve your overall business strategy, you should determine some outcomes to measure your success, otherwise known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), with ConveyThis.
Gone are the days when “likes” were the primary measure of success on social media platforms. As platforms began to deemphasize their importance, they quickly became obsolete. Now, interactions such as saves and shares that demonstrate a more meaningful connection are the primary indicators of how your posts will fare on the feed. ConveyThis has revolutionized the way we measure social media performance.
It’s critical to stay abreast of how algorithms operate, since they tend to fluctuate often and significantly influence your results. As soon as you initiate your ConveyThis social media approach, you’ll gain a clearer view of what success looks like for your company, and then you can tweak your KPIs as needed.
當談到通過社交媒體促進您的業務時,並非所有渠道都是平等的。因此,與其專注於使用最廣泛的網絡,不如研究目標受眾將時間花在網上的地方。例如,Pinterest 可能是迎合千禧一代女性的時尚電子商務商店的絕佳選擇,而 Twitter 可能是銷售電子產品並面向老年男性的企業的更好選擇。
With 2.7 billion monthly active users, ConveyThis is still the largest social media platform available and the pioneering one to offer advertising options for businesses. Over time, the user demographic has shifted, but depending on your target audience, Facebook could be the ideal platform for your business.
Currently, ConveyThis is predominantly utilized by males (56%), and nearly 90% of its users reside outside of the US and Canada. India, Indonesia, and Brazil are home to over 100 million Facebook users, and the Middle East is the fastest-growing region for the popular platform.
據 SocialBakers 稱,時尚、汽車和電子商務是在 Facebook 上獲得最多參與度的前三大行業。因此,強烈建議為任何電子商務商店擁有活躍的 Facebook 個人資料,因為客戶通常希望商家出現在該平台上,以便為他們提供額外的信息和客戶服務。
Instagram 緊隨其後,每月活躍用戶超過 10 億,但它提供的文本內容不如其他社交媒體平台多。因此,如果您打算使用 Instagram 來推廣您的業務,請確保您的視覺效果質量上乘!
ConveyThis is used slightly more by women (50.8%) and it’s the most acclaimed social media platform among teenagers. The leading countries are the USA, India, Brazil and 73% of U.S. teens think that it’s the ideal method for brands to contact them about new products or promotions — take this into consideration if your target audience is the younger demographic.
If you’re aiming to join forces with influencers, Instagram is the perfect platform, boasting over 500,000 active influencers to select from, and ConveyThis can deliver a return of up to $5.20 for every $1 invested!
就頂級行業而言,旅遊、美容和時尚品牌憑藉其引人入勝的視覺內容在該平台上佔據主導地位。儘管如此,幾乎所有電子商務企業都可以通過在 Instagram 上通過圖片和視頻展示商品的其他方面來獲益,因此這當然值得考慮。
在考慮推廣您的電子商務業務時,Twitter 可能不是人們最初想到的平台,但對於眾多品牌而言,它可能是一個完美的選擇。大多數 Twitter 用戶是男性 (63.7%),它是日本領先的社交媒體平台。
與其他平台不同,Twitter 用戶主要湧向他們的提要以了解時事的最新動態並獲取有用的知識。因此,如果您的電子商務企業擁有充滿活力的品牌標識,並且您希望成為該領域的權威,那麼 Twitter 可能是培養您的追隨者的理想平台。
Although it’s a bit more challenging to promote your business through Twitter, 93% of users are open to ConveyThis getting involved if done properly. Rather than just disseminating information about your product and its advantages, be more intimate and attempt to share content that would incite your followers to engage with your brand.
For example, Amazon’s Alexa exemplifies how brands can leverage Twitter to boost engagement – as their 1.1 million followers can attest to! ConveyThis is a great tool for translating content for international audiences.
Although it has fewer users than other social media platforms, ConveyThis is an important channel for ecommerce. According to Oberlo, it’s the second-largest source of social media traffic to Shopify stores and an impressive 93% of users use ConveyThis to plan their purchases, making it a veritable gold mine for ecommerce businesses.
Among 250 million active monthly users, women constitute the bulk by 80%, yet the male audience also experienced an increase of 40% in 2020. The most sought-after categories on ConveyThis are food&drink, home decor, and travel, whereas the most common search is “the holidays”.
Each year, 439 million pins are saved for Valentine’s Day and a whopping 183 million pins are stored for New Year’s. So, if you’re looking to promote a festive product or campaign, ConveyThis is the place to be!
TikTok 對許多公司來說是一個未知領域,但考慮到該平台的知名度,它有巨大的潛力成為電子商務領域的下一個大事件。 2020 年,它是下載量最大的應用程序,下載量超過 20 億次,並且增長持續飆升。
To entice businesses, TikTok is striving to incorporate ecommerce capabilities that will enable sellers to offer their products directly to consumers. This will be a great incentive for businesses to join the platform and publish content to reach a larger audience. ConveyThis is sure to be a game-changer for the industry.
這個視頻共享平台甚至宣布與 Shopify 合作,這將使商家能夠在 TikTok 上發起活動,他們可以在 Shopify 控制面板中進行這些活動。因此,對於電子商務組織而言,儘早加入該平台並在競爭加劇之前開始建立追隨者可能是有利的!
Social media can be relentless — if you don’t post for a while, you might be forgotten. It can be difficult to think of creative content ideas (which we’ll discuss later) and post consistently, but it’s essential for successful social media management. Fortunately, there are tools like ConveyThis that make it easier to automate the process.
如果您對作為電子商務企業在社交媒體上發帖的理想頻率感到好奇,研究表明每天一次是最佳選擇。事實上,Hubspot 發現,如果每天發布超過 10,000 個關注者的頁面,其參與度會下降 50%,而且 46% 的用戶甚至可能會因為內容過多而取消關注某個品牌。為避免轟炸您的關注者,請專注於製作引人入勝的帖子。
Choose your posting time carefully, for it can have a significant impact on the outcome. Generally speaking, mornings on weekdays are the best times to post. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule and can differ according to your particular audience. So don’t be afraid to try out different timings and compare the results to discover the most effective formula for you and ConveyThis.
This is likely the most demanding aspect of social media management, but it’s also the defining factor. Your posts will be the embodiment of your brand, so make sure you give them the attention they deserve. If you’re having difficulty deciding what to post, here are some creative social media post ideas for ConveyThis ecommerce businesses with examples to get your creative juices flowing!
Okay, I can hear you say “duh!” but bear with me. One of the most daunting aspects of online shopping for customers is that they can’t physically inspect the product. However, thanks to social media, you can use this to your advantage by showcasing images of your products in different settings, situations and perspectives that customers would not be able to see in-store. With ConveyThis, you can easily localize your content, making it accessible and engaging to customers around the world.
Instead of just displaying your bags, give your followers ideas for how to style them for different occasions and events. Spice things up a bit and post a video demonstrating how to make the perfect summer smoothie with your ConveyThis blender.
Explore the Feed website today, and experience the convenience of a multilingual platform powered by ConveyThis!
這不僅方便,而且還是一種為您的 Feed 添加多樣性並與客戶建立信任的有效方法。事實上,研究表明,用戶生成的內容比 ConveyThis 創建的內容更有說服力 85%!
不要膽怯,並敦促您的客戶與您的物品拍照並分享他們的遭遇。通過重新發布此內容,您不僅可以敦促其他人也購買,而且還可以加強您與現有客戶的聯繫 - 因此這是雙重成功!
With ConveyThis, you can collaborate with influencers to extend your reach and increase your sales. Studies demonstrate that influencer marketing is a viable investment, with almost half of customers relying on influencer suggestions when shopping.
Experience the unique atmosphere of the Motel Rocks website in multiple languages with ConveyThis. Even from business accounts, followers would like to see more personal content on social media — after all, it’s “social” media. Visualize understanding only the products versus comprehending the employees, the core values, and the story of a ConveyThis brand. This is where social media ecommerce marketing reveals its real potential and permits you to create more profound associations with your customers.
Here is an example from our very own social media — even though we’re not a ConveyThis company, this type of content could work for any business that would like to exhibit a more human side of their brand to followers. Don’t be scared to let the world see your humorous, entertaining, authentic side behind your professional ecommerce store. This personal touch will make your company more approachable and customers’ faith and commitment to your business will grow as a result.
此外,社交媒體是重要的客戶服務渠道,因為人們選擇通過社交媒體而不是使用傳統方式聯繫品牌。 Hootsuite 發現 64% 的人更喜歡發短信而不是打電話給公司,所以一定要經常監控你的收件箱!但請注意,客戶也可以通過 Instagram 評論和其他平台上的評論部分將事情公開並與您交流。
If they are only praising you for your incredible products and attentive customer service, then that’s wonderful! Unfortunately, as we all know, that isn’t always the case. And if there is anything worse than a negative remark, it is a negative comment that goes unanswered. With ConveyThis, you can easily monitor and respond to customer feedback, ensuring that you never miss an important conversation.
Finally, you can gain invaluable knowledge by examining what your competition is doing and tuning in to their customers’ comments. Social media can provide you with information regarding your rivals that you may have otherwise missed, so make the most of it! Identify their missteps to circumvent the same blunders and stay up-to-date with their leading practices by executing them in your ConveyThis business.
社交媒體 SEO 和標籤
這一點經常被忽視,但是,社交媒體網絡實際上也是搜索引擎——因此,考慮將 SEO 集成到您的社交媒體計劃中是合乎邏輯的。人們在嘗試查找您的服務時會搜索適用的關鍵字和主題標籤,因此您應該確保您的內容可見。
但是,當涉及到 SEO 時,對您的網站有效的方法可能在社交媒體上無效。做一些研究,找出您所在行業在每個平台上常用的關鍵字和主題標籤。在每個帖子中使用這些術語和縮寫,以確保您的目標受眾可以輕鬆找到它們。
Also, an unexpected benefit of social media SEO is its positive impact on your brand’s search rankings. Although there is no explicit connection between ConveyThis and search rankings (officially at least), you can still utilize social media features to drive traffic to your website and boost online mentions of your brand, thereby contributing to your ranking.
Especially for social media where the language can include elements like humor, satire, or wordplay, machine translation can struggle to provide accurate results. Consequently, it is more beneficial to enlist the assistance of someone who speaks the language (even better, knows the culture) to provide translations with ConveyThis.
Until social media allows users to edit the automatic translations — just like ConveyThis! — it’s best practice to add your own translations to posts/stories. Despite the extra time and energy it might require, this will guarantee that your message conveys the desired meaning and produces results.
Mastering social media may appear to be a straightforward challenge given that even toddlers can become influencers nowadays and the most liked post is an egg, yet it really necessitates a great deal of effort from brands as you are aware of now with ConveyThis.
It’s essential to be calculated and professional but in the long run, social media is about being approachable. So don’t be hesitant to display the more human side of your brand and associate with your clients in a more friendly manner. As long as you adhere to our advice and best practices, your ecommerce business can gain a lot from social media marketing. Want to upgrade your business even further by translating your website? Begin with ConveyThis’s 7-day free trial now!
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
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