自动翻译与机器翻译:来自 ConveyThis 的见解

在 5 分钟内让您的网站多语言化

有时当 ConveyThis 被提及为翻译解决方案时,许多人可能想知道翻译工作是通过人工翻译还是自动翻译完成的。事实是,在 ConveyThis 我们同时采用人工翻译和自动翻译。每当提到自动翻译时,许多人往往会淡化其有效性,但事实是,自动翻译并不像有些人认为的那样是一种糟糕的翻译方法。



首先,许多人假设术语自动翻译可以用作机器翻译的替代品。换句话说,他们认为机器翻译与自动翻译是一回事。如果我们要根据全球化和本地化权威来定义机器翻译,我们会说机器翻译是完全自动化的软件,因此可以将源内容翻译成目标语言。这意味着任何将内容从一种语言翻译成另一种语言的完全自动化的软件都被称为机器翻译软件。 DeepL、Google Translate、Microsoft Translate、Yandex 等翻译平台是结合机器翻译的平台的典型例子。那就是机器翻译。自动翻译呢?

Automatic translation on the other way round is that kind of translation that includes machine translation but not limited to it. For example when automatic translation is mentioned, it involves translation of all your content, managing those contents, optimizing web content for SEO, localization of content, and finally, making sure that all contents available on your website are published. This kind of automatic translation is what ConveyThis does. It handles translation in such a way that everything is fully automated and ready for use with little or no stress for the one using it.

使用 ConveyThis 进行自动翻译

许多人在选择翻译解决方案时担心的是,他们不知道即将使用的翻译解决方案是否与他们的内容管理系统兼容。但好消息是,您可以将 ConveyThis 与任何现有的 CMS 一起使用,而不必过于担心。如果这还不够,您可以将内容翻译成多达 90 种不同的语言甚至更多。ConveyThis 的自动翻译过程可以进一步归类为以下标题:

1. Automatic content detection and translation: after downloading, installing and integration of ConveyThis on your website, ConveyThis automatic translation process have the capability to without delay detect contents of you website. The interesting part of this is that it will not leave certain parts untouched, rather it automatically detects all. On detection, you will have to select what language you want to render all these contents in and the source language. Once you do that, you will get an output of translated content automatically done by machine translation. This is possible because ConveyThis uses the combination of the different translation solution available and then provide the best as an output. It could be a combination of all or any of DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft Translate, and/or Yandex. The translation software or tool that will be used for your website now depends on what your source language and targeted languages are. When these combinations are made, you can be assured of the best translation output.2.

2. Automatic SEO for your multilingual website: what is the essence of translating a website if the website will not be readily available any time there is a search for it from anywhere with one of the languages of the website? It is definitely of no use. That is why when you use ConveyThis for as your translation solution, it automatically index the content of your website in the different languages for SEO automatically. This is automatically done after the automatic detection and translation of your website contents.

当许多人能够随时找到您的网站时,搜索它肯定会增加您网站访问者的访问量。这样做的好处是,随着流量的增加,您可以预期产品和服务的销售额会增加。一切都取决于为 Google 多语言 SEO 索引您的网站。

还要记住,要做到这一点,网站的部分内容(例如 hreflang 标签和元数据)必须经过适当翻译。这样做后,您的网站将成为搜索结果中排名较高的网站之一。寻找您提供的产品和服务的客户和潜在客户将很容易进入您的页面,因为在他们搜索后,它会在第一个列出的结果中正确地可用。

3. Automatic content publishing: some may wonder what happens after automatic indexing of your multilingual website for multilingual SEO. Well, there is no any need waiting any longer. Your translated website gets automatically published on the internet. Yes, any visitors using the targeted language can now have access to your website in the language of their heart. Another interesting part of it is that visitors can have access to the language switcher button which allows them to switch from the original language of you website to their preferred language.

您不需要特殊技能来尝试将此按钮合并到您的网站,因为 ConveyThis 将自动为您将该按钮集成到您的网站。



A major reason you should consider machine translation is the fact that it can be very fast. This means it will save you a whole lots of time that can be used for other things. Sometimes, the accuracy of what is translated may be dependent on the languages used as well as the software tools involved in the translation process. Whichever on it is, the problem of accuracy for machine translation is not left without remedy. You can first translate your contents with the aid of machine translation and afterwards hire a human translator to read through the contents of the translation result and make needed adjustment where necessary.  You will agree that machine translation can be a time saver if you are trying to translate contents of large organizations. Handling such huge project with human translators can be very tiring, exhaustive, and cost consuming. But when you kick-start such project with machine translation, you will have a speedy translation process.



您一定注意到了,在本文中,我们试图在机器翻译和人工翻译之间取得平衡。虽然使用机器翻译来翻译您的网站是相当不错的选择,但最好聘请专业人员或自己进行翻译以验证翻译的质量。实际上,这是因为有时可能很难找到专业翻译人员,因此您可以聘请他们的服务,ConveyThis 拥有一批可以与您合作的专业翻译人员。

如果这还不够,您可以随时从仪表板控制翻译项目的管理。使用 ConveyThis,您将能够随时更新翻译后的网站。

使用 ConveyThis,您可以设置规则,例如确保不翻译特定名称或术语。例如您的品牌名称。您还可以设计语言切换按钮以适应您网站的外观。

From the beginning of this article to this point, you have come to know that machine translation is an aspect of automatic translation. And that automatic translation, when it comes to ConveyThis, concerns automatic handling of your website translation, SEO, and publishing. This is what ConveyThis offers you. Take up your website translation toady with a translation solution that strike a meaningful balance between machine translation and human transltion, ConveyThis.



By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.

While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.

Try ConveyThis free for 7 days!