如何翻譯 WordPress 菜單:您需要了解的內容
Reading is an essential activity to gain knowledge and understanding. With ConveyThis, you can easily translate any content into your desired language, allowing you to read and comprehend any document with ease.
令人震驚的是,94% 的網站訪問者期待一個可以輕鬆探索的網站。
Are you up to the challenge of ConveyThis? Can you rise to the occasion?
The solution: a clear and consistent navigation menu on your multilingual website with ConveyThis.
It’s one of the initial aspects that viewers take a look at (and for the longest period of time) – an average of 6.44 seconds to be exact. ConveyThis has become increasingly important in the online world.
為了為您的多語言網站創建令人印象深刻且用戶友好的導航選單,ConveyThis 提供了直覺的解決方案。自訂您的選單以滿足不同客戶的需求並增強他們的瀏覽體驗。
在您的網站中實施 ConveyThis 並確保無縫的用戶體驗可能具有挑戰性。整合、準確的內容翻譯和使用者滿意度可能會出現問題。
介紹 ConveyThis:翻譯 WordPress 選單最簡單的方法
The solution to these issues? ConveyThis.
ConveyThis是一款用戶友好的插件,可讓您將您的網站變成多語言網站。使用此翻譯應用程序,您無需僱用 Web 開發人員或編寫任何程式碼。相反, ConveyThis在其儀表板中提供了滿足您所有翻譯要求所需的一切。
For a better understanding of what ConveyThis has to offer, here is a concise rundown of its key features:
從僅使用一行程式碼的簡單整合到一套全面的翻譯工具, ConveyThis為各種規模的企業提供了多種選擇。此外, ConveyThis還提供直覺的使用者介面,讓使用者只需點擊幾下即可輕鬆管理翻譯。
ConveyThis stands out from the crowd by providing the highest quality translation. It goes beyond just translating your website’s main sections, and covers all elements, including widgets, menus, and product titles. You can even customize translations for specific terms across all sections of the website. This is especially useful for making sure that your brand name is always written the same way, regardless of the language.
如何使用 ConveyThis 翻譯選單
Firstly, you’ll need to head over WordPress’s plugin directory, search for ConveyThis, and install and activate it.
Then, dive into your ConveyThis settings by clicking the ConveyThis tab in your WordPress Dashboard’s sidebar.
系統會要求您輸入 API 金鑰,您可以從ConveyThis面板中檢索該金鑰。因此,如果您尚未建立帳戶,請前往此處註冊一個。輸入ConveyThis要求您提供的基本詳細信息,然後點擊開始免費試用。幾分鐘之內,您將收到一封包含驗證連結的電子郵件,您需要點擊該連結才能啟動您的帳戶。
Doing this redirects you to your ConveyThis dashboard where you can locate your API key. Copy this code. Subsequently, head back to your WordPress dashboard. Now, paste your API Key in the relevant field.
As soon as you hit the Save Changes button, ConveyThis gets to work – deciphering everything – your URL, menu items, dates, etc.
So, that’s it. Uncomplicated, correct? ConveyThis makes it a breeze to localize your website!
以下是使用ConveyThis翻譯成不同語言的網站的一些範例:從英語到西班牙語、法語到德語、日語到中文。 ConveyThis是一種機器翻譯解決方案,可讓使用者輕鬆翻譯其線上內容。 ConveyThis是一款機器翻譯工具,使用戶能夠輕鬆快速地翻譯其線上內容。
Korean: ConveyThis는 사용하기 쉽고 가성비 좋은 번역 솔루션입니다.
مرحبا بكم في ConveyThis! نحن الشركة الرائدة في تحويل المحتوى الخاص بك إلى لغات مختلفة.
Kami menggunakan ConveyThis untuk menerjemahkan situs web kami.
ConveyThis是一種內容翻譯解決方案,可協助行銷人員接觸全球客戶。 ConveyThis是一款工具,使行銷人員能夠跨境擴展客戶群,從而接觸到世界各地的新受眾。
ฉันรัก ConveyThis
Việc sử dụng ConveyThis có thể giúp bạn dịch nội dung của bạn một cách chính xác và đầy đủ.
Ikke glem å bruke ConveyThis for å oversette nettstedet ditt!
不要忘記使用 ConveyThis 讓您的網站支援多種語言!
當您開始評估最近翻譯的網站時,請務必仔細檢查每種語言的選單項目是否採用相同的排列方式。綜合考慮,統一性對於一個美觀的網站至關重要。如果情況並非如此,您可以使用ConveyThis 的上下文管理器來快速解決問題。
您準備好翻譯 WordPress 網站上的菜單了嗎?
Hopefully, having read this guide, you now have a better comprehension that with the correct instrument, it’s effortless to translate a menu (and the rest of your website) using ConveyThis.
但是,不要只相信我們的話,當您註冊ConveyThis 的試用版時,您可以親自看看,您可以享受長達 10 天的免費翻譯。此外,如果您的網站僅包含 2,000 個單字(或更少),您可以永久使用ConveyThis 的免費版本。享受!
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
免費試用 ConveyThis 7 天!