擴展您的線上商店:擁抱全球機會 ConveyThis
If you’re involved in e-commerce and contemplating expanding your business internationally by offering shipping and payment options to customers abroad, you’re making a wise and sustainable decision. However, you must take additional steps to adapt your business to the world of cross-border e-commerce. One essential step is to embrace multilingualism (which can be easily achieved on any website or e-commerce CMS with ConveyThis) to ensure that your products are accessible and comprehensible to customers in different countries.
However, this growth also has a personal impact: in a recent global study, research company Nielsen found that at least 57% of individual shoppers have made a purchase from an overseas retailer in the last six months.
這顯然對他們購買的企業產生了積極影響:在這項研究中,70% 的零售商證實,進軍電子商務對他們來說是有利可圖的。
It’s a no-brainer: if a buyer cannot make out the specifics of a product on its page, they’re unlikely to click “Add to Cart” (especially if “Add to Cart” is also unintelligible to them). An apt study, “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy,” elaborates on this, providing empirical data for support.
值得注意的是,全球大多數人,確切地說是 55%,更喜歡用母語進行網上購物。這是很自然的,不是嗎?
Graph – 55% of people prefer to buy in their own language Source: CSA Research, “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy” As you strategize your international expansion, you must consider the specific markets you aim to penetrate. Unsurprisingly, language also factors into this decision, though to varying degrees based on the culture and market characteristics.
來自某些國家/地區的消費者並列領先,61% 的在線購物者確認他們積極偏好以母語提供的購物體驗。來自其他國家/地區的互聯網買家緊隨其後:58% 的人更喜歡使用母語進行購物。
圖:多語言電子商務網站的百分比 來源:BuiltWith/Shopify 只有 2.45% 的美國電子商務網站提供不止一種語言 - 最普遍的是西班牙語,佔總數的 17%。
即使在跨境貿易更為普遍的歐洲,這一數字仍然很低:只有 14.01% 的歐洲電子商務網站提供母語以外的語言(最常見的語言是英語,這並不奇怪),而且使用率也相當低。 16.87% 的其他國家電子商務網站(其中英語也是最常見的翻譯語言)。
網站翻譯的投資回報率 來源:Adobe 本地化標準協會 (LISA) 最近發布的一項研究表明,在網站本地化上花費 1 美元,平均可帶來 25 美元的投資回報率 (ROI)。
What does this mean? Essentially, more people buy more products when they can comprehend what’s written on the product page. It makes a lot of sense—and can also earn your business a good amount of money.
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
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