WordPress Web Sitenizi ConveyThis ile Çevirme Zamanı
Over the past two decades there have been tremendous changes. If you pay intent attention to the last twenty or more years, you will be able to observe without any doubt that things have gone revolutionary. For example, the education has witnessed so many changes, means of communication has metamorphosed, entertainment is not as usual, and mode of businesses no longer the same as before. It is an understatement to say only a few thing has seen changes because nearly all things underwent notable transformations. One major factor that contributed to this immense change is the advent of technology. At first some business owners were reluctant to employ technology in their business strategy. No wonder while some were willing to choose the use of digital means in their businesses, others were forced to do the same. This, interestingly, gave birth to a sharp increase in the numbers of websites. Yes, most of the websites are created and designed using WordPress, and today we have over 1.5 billion of websites on the internet.
One thing that is inevitable is change. It is the only constant thing that can happen at any time in the world today. That is why the best option for success today may be obsolete tomorrow and success becomes a past event. Saying that it is a crucial step to digitalize one’s business today is no longer a debatable topic as it has always shown to be not just crucial but fundamental to becoming a successful business person. It is true that business owners are trying in this aspect but many of them fail to be aware of the extremely serious need for translation of their websites into several languages so as to experience a kind of spontaneous increase in the number of customers as translation will help to penetrate into different market locations, thereby reaching a vast number of people.
In this article we will discuss reasons why it is absolutely necessary, more than ever before, to translate you website. Pay attention as this is being discussed.
Here below are beneficial reasons to translate your WordPress website:
Translation Helps to Drive More Traffic to Your WordPress Website
Küreselleşme o kadar etkili bir kavram ki herkesin takdir etmesi gerekiyor çünkü küreselleşme sayesinde İngilizce artık internetin ortak dili olarak hizmet etmiyor. Bu, İngilizcenin artık kullanılmadığı anlamına gelmez. Hatta günümüzde internette bulunabilen web sitelerinin sayfalarının büyük çoğunluğu İngilizce ağırlıklıdır. Ancak, İngilizce dışında bir dilde internette gezinmek isteyenlerin yüzdesine bakıldığında, yüzde 73'ten fazlasının kendi dillerini kullanmayı tercih ettiklerini belirttiğini fark edeceğiz. Web siteniz için yoğun trafik oluşturmanın ilginç yanını biliyor musunuz? Bununla ilgili ilginç olan şey, ziyaretçi sayısı arttıkça Google gibi arama motorlarının trafiği not etmesi ve böylece web sitenize daha yüksek bir sıralama vermesidir.
What can we infer? We can infer that if you translate your website into multiple languages you will definitely witness an increase in traffic of users of your website. And this traffic increase may bring about more conversions.
Take note: it is believed by many that translation is some heavy and very complex assignment to handle. However, this is not always the truth as you can translate your website within few minutes. Apart from the fact that it is fast and reliable, you can have it done at a relatively cheaper rate. If you will like to read more about translating your WordPress, you can learn more BURADA.
Çeviri Müşterileri Olumlu Etkiliyor
İlk noktadan geçtikten sonra, bir başka büyüleyici nokta da, WordPress web sitenizi çevirmenin alıcılarınızı olumlu yönde etkilemesidir. Bunun büyüleyici olmasının nedeni, çevrimiçi alışveriş yapanların yüzde kırk altıdan fazlasının (%46) kalplerinin dilinde, yani ana dillerinde sunulmayan bir ürünü asla satın almayacaklarını veya patronluk taslamayacaklarını kabul etmeleridir. Bu istatistikten, web sitenizi nerede ve neden çevirmeniz gerektiğini görebiliyor musunuz? Anket, çok sayıda başarı elde etmek istiyorsanız çevirinin işinizin önemli bir parçası olduğunu gösteriyor. Web sitenizi birden fazla dile çeviremezseniz ürünlerinizi ve hizmetlerinizi koruyacak olan %46'dan fazla potansiyel müşteriyi kaçırmış olacaksınız.
This makes absolute sense because you will not expect people to buy products from a page that has information they do not understand. Contrastingly, people will be inclined to buy your products or request your services when the contents of your website is quite understandable to them and it is even available in the language of their hearts.
Web Sitenizin Tercümesi Arama Sıralamasını İyileştirir
“If you don’t want people to learn about something, hide it in the second page or subsequent pages of google search.” You might have heard something of such before or you might have discovered that the statement is true. Whichever way, it is true. Hardly will you see someone go beyond the first page of the result of google search. Or did you remember the last time your go to the second page after searching for something on a search engine? Not likely.
Now the question is how does translation makes your search ranking stand out? When you translate your website, you will have the opportunity of using new keywords that are available in the new language i.e. the language of your target market. This set of keywords will improve your search ranking because they are the keywords that will be searched locally in that language. Since your language is now available in that local language, search engines that are famous such as Google, Yandex, Bing, Swisscows, CCSearch, DuckDuck Go etc. will help optimize your page’s content and this means that you will experience increase in search visibility not just in English language but in other languages in which your website has been translated.
Çeviri Sizi Global Bir İş Oyuncusu Yapar
You will agree with the fact that in today’s world if you will like to take your business to a larger audience of potential customers you must translate your website. With translation, you can reach the heart of potential consumers of your products and services in a targeted location. Even when you are not physically present in that location, your presence can be felt in the location. The translated website will now serve as your office, so to say, in that location as it will be attractive to the populace of the local people in the targeted location. Yes, with translation you are a global citizen. Also, the fact that you translate your website to the local language of the targeted market location will make prospective customers in that area get drawn to you and they will be able to easily trust your products and services. This could as well leads to recommending your products and services to others and before you know it you are an international business player.
At this point, it is fair to say that translation of your website is one of the easiest and quickest means that can be employed in order to expand your business beyond physical boundaries. We have noted earlier that the only thing that is inevitable is change and that it is the only constant thing that can happen at any time in the world today. This is the reason why the best option for success today may become useless in the near future and success becomes history. It was also mentioned that saying that it is a crucial step to digitalize one’s business today is no longer a debatable topic as it has always indicated that it is not just crucial or vital tool but fundamental to becoming a successful business person. It is a fact that owners of businesses are trying in the aspect of digitalizing their business through creating websites but many of them fail to be aware of the extremely serious need for translation of their websites into several languages so as to experience a kind of spontaneous increase in the number of customers as translation will help to penetrate into different market locations, thereby reaching a vast number of people.
If you have followed through this articles, you will noticed that we have discussed four (4) powerful reasons why it is absolutely necessary, more than ever before, to translate you website. As a way of emphasizing what has been discussed, it was mention that Translation of your WordPress website helps to drive more traffic to the website, helps to positively influence customers and prospective consumers, help to enhance and improve rankings on search engines, and if makes you a global player in businesses.
Do you have a WordPress website and you will like to translate it? If your answer is an affirmative yes, then don’t wander about. You can get it done by just clicking the link “Get your WordPress Website Translated with ConveyThis” or “Translate WordPress with ConveyThis” and starting enjoying such an invaluable tool.
Çeviri, sadece dilleri bilmenin çok ötesinde, karmaşık bir süreçtir.
By following our tips and using ConveyThis , your translated pages will resonate with your audience, feeling native to the target language.
While it demands effort, the result is rewarding. If you’re translating a website, ConveyThis can save you hours with automated machine translation.
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