Meet the New Language Switcher from ConveyThis

Meet the new language switcher from ConveyThis, providing a user-friendly interface for seamless language selection on your website.
Conveythis demo
Conveythis demo
round shape language switch

We’ve made ConveyThis website translation switcher even better! Meet the sexy sleek language switcher with rounded corners!

round edges conveythis

It’s been long in the making and we frankly didn’t focus on it deep enough. But the progress has been made. The new slew of CMS such as SquareSpace and WebFlow are all about rounded corners and rounded buttons. Just look at the latest website design of alone! All buttons there are rounded, so if you would get a language switcher that is rectangular in design, it would look odd to say at least.

Now, conveythis offers both:

  1. Rectangular language switchers
  2. Rounded language switcher (new)

Change Colors!

Life is colorful. Every website has unique palette and style. Why wouldn’t we address that and offer something that could be customized for it? In this update, we’ve added this option and now users that pick their own:

  1. Background color
  2. Mouse hover color
  3. Text color

All in all, you can greatly customize your new language switcher so it would look something like this:

conveythis round edges2

Where would you find all these perks? It’s in the Settings tab. Just navigate to the “Settings” tab whether you are using WordPress, Shopify, BigCommerce or JavaScript.

round edges settings

That’s all for the update. Share your thoughts with us on Twitter and Youtube!

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