After making the decision that you have a requirement to translate your online page, and having received cost packages from online-translation services, what now? The packages present rather large variations and you need to know why so? In what way would you consider the costs involved and, that what you estimated would suit your pocket? How and via what method would you calculate the price? Shedding light on the complete outlay and the way its been calculated is the information that you will need. An important factor, is to also grasp the way and individual modes used by the different service providers, as to what they had added too and also left out of their packages.
It is wise for a Website Translation organization and online service provider to acquire the services of skilled people of whom preferably, their mother tongue is the focus of translation on a regular basis. Service providers offering more than average promises in competitive rates, and also notably, are based in specific monetary-challenged societies, not equipped with current information systems and top-notch software, relying on the skills from often below-average educated hands unfamiliar with current affairs, could be a problem. Often, content provided from these sources will present and be delivered as a below-standard product.
この議論の仕組みを視覚化するために、もう少し詳しく掘り下げていきます。金銭的な観点から見ると、このような組織が提供するサービスは、地元の製品の日々の価格と直接関係があり、これが企業へのコストの観点から納品可能性にどのような影響を与える可能性があるかということになります。たとえば、ヨーロッパの国内で、サービスプロバイダーが個人として考えると、このコミュニティの適切に設定された平均基準と比較して、30 日の作業サイクル内で約 4,000 EU に相当する収益を集める可能性があります。これを 1 日あたりの観点に分割すると、その人が 30 日周期で約 150 時間を蓄積し、通常の勤務時間中に平均約 8 時間労働するとすると、これは 200 EU という数字に相当します。オフィスアワー期間は、60 分ベースで 25 EU の割合で実行されます。このオフィスアワー期間中に入力された単語数は約 2,000 語で、EU の 200 語をオフィスアワー中に入力された 2,000 語に分けると、この数字は 1 語当たり 10 セントに相当します。これを大局的に考えると、実際に行われた作業に対する料金は、単語ごとに約 3 セントに達する可能性があり、組織の料金と管理者を追加すると、アメリカの通貨 ($) セントで約 20 セントになる可能性があります。提供されるこの高レベルのサービスに対しては、正当な費用が課せられます。
ここで疑問が生じます。特定のネット翻訳サービス プロバイダーは、どのような方法で単語ごとの料金に 12 ~ 14 アメリカ ドル セントの料金を課しているのでしょうか。この質問を調べてみましょう:
A. The person typing the text may be from a completely different geographical area.
B. This person may be skilled on a lower-level without a proper learnership qualification.
C. Quality control is not addressed post work production.
D. May be accepted that point A-C are a true fact on all mater related.
A. Multi-linguistic evaluation -This is a necessary and very important quality-control step to determine the adherence to transcreational rules and that the online platform will tolerate the presentation in clean, fully intelligible text. Should these areas be dismissed, linguistic problems may arise and cause lengthy delay in correction processing after the fact.
B. Inventory of noted abbreviations and other important text – A list of these textual wordings will go along way in assisting reproduction and formatting during phase-development as well as be of a less time consuming and beneficial monetary value that will also assist assurance controls during development.
C. Inventory quality tests – post reproduction, inventory assurance is determined via organization production tools.
D. Formatting rules – these will inform the developers as to how the textual design needs to be constructed with regard the word typing, linguistic applications of content formats and other textual spelling creation.
E. Substance – created by the textual developer.
F. Testing the accuracy – Denoted to the be applied to online Net-Translation work with emphasis placed on certain areas individualized within the related product.
G. Controls – these need to be applied and tested against the actual formatting of the online work to remove errors in design within textual orientated media and other format issues.
H. Repairs – software and other hindrances can be iron-out during this phase.
I. Follow up- controls to test the repairs in design as additional security measures.
J. Preliminary test – undertaken by the customer to determine accuracy within requirements.
K. Feedback- the customers findings are addressed and streamlined if any are noted.
L. Handover- the customer takes ownership of the completed work.
また、メンテナンスを考慮したスケーラビリティや、オンライン プラットフォーム内での時間内のさらなる適応も重要です。組織資金に対する効果的な金銭的価値のある媒体として、どのようなプラットフォーム設計コンセプトが導入されるでしょうか?ソフトウェアやその他のアイテムのスケーラビリティに関連する組織による将来の価格設定はどうなりますか?オンラインのネット翻訳ツールがプラットフォームの安定性に効果的な方法であるという最前線の考えを考慮してください。
Organization in this industry provide a variety of cost centers and knowledge in this area will go along way to the conceptualization of price. To receive the best available service in the market research service providers within the Net-Translation arena that will fulfill your requirements to the tee. For great service and a flawless experience, please visit our online page at www.ConveyThis.com
ConveyThis.com の優秀なチームがお客様のリクエストをサポートし、すべてのオンライン要件のプロセスをガイドします。
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