How Can I Translate RSS and XML Product Feed? Quick and Easy

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No worries, although the steps below may seem complicated, they’re actually easier than you might think – you just need to copy and paste some elements.

  1. Introduction: How can I translate a product feed?
  2. Step-by-step guide to setting up translation
    • Initial XML URL and its purpose
    • Addition of the ConveyThis component in the URL
    • Inclusion of the API Key
    • Adding the language shortcodes
    • Final URL and its implications
  3. Manual editing of related translations
  4. Additional information for a seamless translation process
  5. Final thoughts: Importance of file type declaration and encoding

First and foremost, you'll need the XML URL of your feed, for example:–your-website-product-feed.xml To link ConveyThis to your feed and translate it from English to Danish (for instance), you’ll need to follow the steps below:

  • Between “HTTPS://” and “/feeds”, add “” + “Your API Key without pub_” + “the language_from code” + “the language_to code”

Here’s a step by step example:

Original feed:–your-website-product-feed.xml

a. First of all, let’s add “” as mentioned above, the new URL will be:

b. Then, you can add your API key without “_pub”. The new URL will be, for example:

⚠️ For this step, please note that you’ll have to use your API key. It will not work with the API key present in this article.

Also, if you are using WordPress, you’ll need to contact us at [email protected] so we can provide you with the correct API key (it’s different from the one present in the ConveyThis plugin settings)

c. Then, you can add your original language and translated language shortcodes:

You can use the shortcodes present on this page depending on the languages you are managing

In the end, you should have a URL like this:

Now, if you visit this URL, ConveyThis will automatically translate the content of the feed and add the translations to your Translations list.

How can I manually edit the related translations?

As mentioned above, visiting the URL of the translated feed will automatically generate the associated translations and add them to your Translations list so you can manually edit them if needed.

To find those translations, you can use the different filters (such as the URL filter) mentioned in this article: Search Filters – How to easily find a translation?

Note that if you modify the original file, you’ll just have to visit the translated URL in order to update the translations.

Additional information

ConveyThis translates some specific XML keys by default. If you notice some untranslated elements, it may require some adjustments. So, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

If the file takes some time to open, it might be due to the weight of the original one. In this case, you can try to divide it into several files and follow the process above.

Lastly, make sure that the first line of your original file contains the type declaration and the encoding, for example:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

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